Wanted Words

Promised Words

Frankie's P.O.V

I could feel the harsh wind cut across my face as I stared at the coffin being lowered into the ground. I felt like I was floating, suspended in time, disconnected from almost everything. I couldn’t hear anything either. The only thing I could see was the coffin; the only thing I could feel was Gerard’s warm hand in mine. He was the only reason I was here right now, the only thing keeping me from sinking. He was my anchor.

I couldn’t remember much from the last few days. I could remember Gerard’s soft lips on mine and his strong arms picking me up from the floor. Pulling me into his safe embrace. I remember him whispering to me, telling me that it would all be okay, telling me to eat, and rubbing my back as I threw it all back up again.

I couldn’t remember ever feeling so broken, so lost. I couldn’t believe that my mum was dead. She was such a large part of my life; I had actually deluded my mind into thinking that she would be here forever. My heart cried out for her, if only I could see her one more time; tell her how much she means to me. My heart also cried out with fear as the thought of losing Gerard crossed my mind. He was the only one who could pull me back from the brink of darkness. Without him, I don’t think I would ever see the light again.

I turned into Gerard, needing to be closer to him. I was so cold, and he was so warm.
I rested my forehead against his and closed my eyes; sucking in a sharp breath and feeling the cold air sting my lungs. I pushed the sensation away. I didn’t want to feel.

When I next opened my eyes, I was in a bed, Gerard’s face inches from mine, looking at me so intently.

“Hey.” He whispered to me, brushing a piece of hair from my face that was obstructing my view of his beautiful eyes.
“Hey.” I whispered back, my throat croaky from not being used for several days.
“I was wondering where you went, I thought I’d lost you.”
“You found me. Please Gerard, promise me something?”
“Don’t let me go back there, I don’t want to ever be in the dark again, it hurts too much.”
“I promise, I’ll stay with you, forever.”
And with that Frankie closed his eyes once more, burrowing his head into Gerard’s chest. No matter what happened from here on out, it would be okay.

3rd Person

As the days past, Frankie began to return to normal. The first time Gerard heard Frankie laugh after the funeral almost made him burst with happiness.
The band knew about their relationship now. Even without officially announcing it, it was kind of hard to miss. No matter the situation, Gerard and Frankie couldn’t seem to go five minutes without touching each other. Snuggling up on the couch the day before their next concert, Gerard let out a happy sigh.

“Hey Frankie?”
“Can I tell the crowd at tomorrows concert? It’s killing me not being able to scream out the fact that I am utterly smitten.”
Frankie giggled and nuzzled his face into Gerard’s shoulder.
“Sure, though I think you need to work on the phrasing.”
Gerard let out a chuckle himself and just let himself float on this love induced high that he seemed to be a permanent member of. He couldn’t wait for tomorrow.