Wanted Words

Euphoric Words

"I'm so dirty babe.
It ain't the money and it sure as hell ain't just for the fame.
It's for the bodies I claim and lose."

Gerard sang into the microphone. Anticipation almost comsuming his ability to function correctly as he thought about his next move.

"Only go so far 'til you bury them,
So deep and down we go."

Taking in a deep, steadying breathe, Gerard leapt up onto one of the speakers at the front of the stage. The remaining members of MCR continuing the song behind him, increasing the overall sense of something massive slowly accumulating, about to explode.


"I have a special announcement to make!" Gerard screamed over the hyperactive crowd.
"And down we go..."
Flinging his right arm out to his side, Gerard pointed at Frankie.
"This goddamn, amazing guy, is Frank Iero!"
"And down we go..."
"And I'm FUCKING in LOVE with him!"
"And down we go..."
"Totally, completely, insanely, head over heals, in LOVE with him!"
"I tried..."
"I'll say it again, cuz it's just that massive! I'M IN FUCKING LOVE WITH FRANK IERO!"

With that, Gerard jumped from his position atop the speaker and stalked over to Frank.
Grabbing a fistfull of his hair with his microphone-free hand, Gerard crashed his lips to Frankie's eagerly awaiting ones.

Euphoria coursed through Gerard's veins with the combining sensations of the roaring crowd, blaring music and passionate kiss of the most amazing boyfriend on the face of the planet. Hell, in the entire universe.

Almost missing his cue to continue singing, Gerard reluctantly ripped his lips from Frankie's. Giving him a promising look of more to come, he screamed heartfelt lyrics out into the world.

"We'll love again,
We'll laugh again,
And it's better off this way!"
♠ ♠ ♠
AN:Sorry it's short. I promise the next one will be longer. Comment help me write faster!! Love all the people who subscribe and comment on this fic. Your support is amazing!