Status: Going to mom's for 2 weeks so i'll post when I get back

That Was Then, This Is Now

The Last Day With You? (Prologue)

"Okay, girls. We are here to deviate a plan to destroy these boys." I grabbed the laser pointer and pointed at the white board set up in my room.
It had a tree house with three stick people drawn in it, throwing water balloons at three stick people standing under the treehouse. One was really short, one was pretty tall, and the other was just in between.
"Good! I want Cookie back!!" Brooke said, and in a really deep tone, she continued. "They stole Cookie."
She started screaming in rampage and destroying the boys on the whiteboard.
"They shall pay!! Muhahahaha!!" She pointed at Kevin, the tallest stick person on the board. "Especially this one..."
"Calm down, stupid. We are gonna get your dolly back. Don't worry." I sat down on the bed next to Rachel.
These were my two best friends. Brooke lived next door, while Rachel lived across the street.
Brooke was nine and had blondish-brown hair with natural volume that fell just below her shoulders, her hazel eyes settling behind the hair that fell in her face. Rachel was only six with her very dark, nearly black, straight hair surrounding her brown eyes.
Me? As for me, I was seven years old! I had medium brown hair that slightly waved down my cheeks to halfway between my elbow and shoulder. My eyes were a mix of green and brown, kind of like a caramel apple sucker mix.
And as for the whiteboard?
Well, us girls, me, Brooke, and Rachel, had an ongoing war with the neighbor boys. They lived on the opposite side of me. There was Nick, Kevin, and Joe. Nick was five, Kev was ten, and Joe was eight.
Yesterday, Brooke was simply talking to Kevin, trying to get him to play tag with us when 'snatch'! He took her doll, Cookie, that she's had since she was one. We came up with the perfect plan. We were going to break into their tree house and throw massive water balloons at them when they tried to come up.

*Later That Day In The Treehouse*
Rachel kept lookout as Brooke and I each stole a cookie from their secret cookie drawer in the clubhouse. As we shoved the chocolate chip cookies down our throats, Rachel shrieked, "They're coming!!"
I grabbed the handle on the bucket of water balloons and dragged 'em to the window. All three of us grabbed a balloon and dropped it out the window, each one hitting the three boys on the head.
"Avenging Cookie!!!!" Brooke screamed as the balloon on Kevin's head bursted. "HAHAHAH!!"
She held Cookie up above her head.
"Told you that you'd pay!" Brooke fell back onto the floor with laughter.
"Poor Nick never does anything though. Why do we have to get him, too?" Rachel asked me as she turned away from the window.
"Because he's part of their alliance! We have to get them all," I told her.
She had a tiny crush on Nick. I can't blame her, he was a little cutie. But he was a Jonas. They must all go down...

The boys eventually came up into the treehouse.
"You had the guts to come up here? Kudos to you," I laughed as I grabbed Joe's hand and pulled him up, then Nick, and lastly Kevin.
"Booya! Look who I got back, Keeeeeevin!! I got her and yooooooooou didn't!" Brooke said, continuing to go on and on about her great rescue.
"Nick, I'm sorry that you got all wet...." Rachel wiped Nick's shoulder.
As those four talked, I took a seat in the little wooden chair by the back window. Joe came over after being ignored by everyone else.
"Hey, so look Paige. Well, Nick and Kevin weren't going to tell you guys but...I think you should know. We are moving." That was the first thing he said to me that day.
"'re moving? When?" I asked in complete shock.
"Joe? You're leaving? Really?" I didn't know why it hurt so much too find out. We had the whole mini war going on forever. I was only seven, though, and rather i'd admit it or not, we were all...I guess...,friends...
"Hey guys, we have to go," Kevin said, looking at his watch. "Mom's gonna wonder where we are. Bye Rach," Rach waved bye. "Bye, Paige." I nodded good bye, still in shock. "Bye, Brooke." Kevin nodded at Brooke and she said 'good bye' back.
Kevin climbed down the ladder, followed by Nick after he said his 'good byes', and then Joe was left.
He started to leave when, after saying bye to Brooke and Rachel, he came over and hugged me. A Jonas hugged me. The little evil boy from next door....but I knew that we were deep down friends so I hugged him back.
"Bye, Joe..." I whispered to myself as he climbed down the ladder.
"Paige, what was that all about???" Brooke questioned. "He hugged you! You let a Jonas hug you! Why???"
Rachel stood up from her spot by the window.
"Yeah, you'd never hug a Jonas unless something was going on...what is it?" She asked.
"Well....guys, they're moving...but Kevin didn't want us to know. He thought it'd be better if they just left." I explained.
"So Kevin's gone?" Brooke sounded sad. "And Nick??" Rachel added.
"Yehh guys, but its okay. Haha No more war!"
We all grew a smile, but we knew that we'd miss great friends. Frienemies. That's what they were.
And now, they were gone....forever...
♠ ♠ ♠
That's the prologue to my new story!! It's not the best ever but I promise the story will get better. I'm just really tired and wanted to go to bed but I needed to finish this before I did! If you have any ideas for any parts or anything at anytime at all, just message me. And spread this story to any of your friends that like FanFictions! Thank you!! =D Tell me what ya think! (But don't be too critical on this part. like I said, tired and needed to be done lol)

♥ Paige