Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

001 "Strange Celebrity Encounter."

I sat there bored out of my mind. All my friends were back in America and was stuck in freaking Toronto, Canada. Can you believe it? Toronto of all places. I know they're filming Camp Rock 2 here but frankly i don't give a fuck.
I'd just love to got to Malibu Beach and get a tan. But nope. I'm in the freezing cold weather... It's snowing here for goodness sake.
Aww Shit.
Anyways I just wanted to get out of there like pronto. It's not really worth moping around doing nothing. Trust me I was bored out of my fucking mind. Your probably wondering what the hell am i doing in Canada huh?
Well my parents dragged me all the way from California to visit my sick aunt. Gosh if she's sick why would some one even visit. Sometimes I thought both of my parents were sick in the head.
I drummed my hands on the table annoyingly and sighed dramatically. I'm not normally a pestering bitch but right now I was annoyed and mad so you get my point... hopefully.

"Nikkei will you stop that?" My mum finally snapped at me.

I looked up at her and gave her a dull look.

"I'm bored and there's nothing to do. Aunt Sally doesn't even have cable." I huffed and sighed irritated.

She gave me a sharp look and I rolled my eyes.

"Go take a walk. There's a park, mall, cinema and a whole bunch of other stuff down the road. Take my credit card." She replied then went back to talking to my Uncle Chad.

"Fine." I grumbled snatching her Chase credit card and went to go put on my boots, sweater, scarf. etc, etc.

"See you later!" I called grabbing my gloves, and messenger bag.

I quickly closed the front door behind me and walked down the steps onto the cold sidewalk.

"Damn I fucking hate the snow and the cold." I mumbled to myself and walked down the road in the direction of the park.

On my way there someone bumped into me roughly. That sent me falling onto he floor.
I hissed and looked up to see who pushed me.

"Agh what the fuck man, watch where your going dude." I snapped getting up and brushing myself.

I looked to see none other then Justin Bieber standing there looking quite flushed. Oh i forgot that he lived here...

"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't see you there." He replied scratching the back of his neck nervously.

I scoffed, "Obviously."

"Anyways I'm Justin-." He started saying but i cut him off.

"Bieber, yeah i know. I'm Nikkei Helena.' I gave him a small smile.
Hoping he caught my clue that there were no hard feelings.

He also smiled back. Apparently he caught my clue.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay chapter one is not that long. But hey its just the beginning :]
I posted this like an hour ago. I signed out and now i got like 6 readers and already one subscriber. :D yay so im guessing u guys like the story.