Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

002 "Friendship In The Making."

"Well it's nice to meet you Nikki. If you don't mind me asking, where you headed?" Justin asked stuffing his hands in his sweater pockets.

"Uh nosy much?" I laughed, then rolled my eyes playfully, "Some random park down the block."

He thought a moment before answering me.

"Why don't you come with me to the mall?" He asked casually, "Go to the movies, shop or something."

I almost choked on my saliva... almost.

"Dude seriously. i just met you like a few seconds ago and your inviting me to hangout with you?" I said making some strange movements with my arms for affect."who knows i could be some crazy psycho killer."

He laughed and shook his head, "Well I'll take my chances."

"You suicidal punk." I snickered with a smile on my face.

He cracked a grin and did is signature hair wisp.
"Is that a yes or no?"

I smiled,"Yes. What do we call it? A date? Or just hanging out?"

Justin grinned even bigger and looped his arm through mine.
"Call it what ever you wanna call it Nikki."

He then lead me down the way he came from, I'm guessing to the mall.


"So tell me about yourself." Justin said as we walked down the sidewalk arm in arm.

"Well I'm sixteen, I dance, play guitar, write stories, sing and act. But none of those things I do are done professionally, well I'm 5'4 i have dark brown hair and have hazel green eyes." I replied looking at him with a smile on my face.

He had a shocked expression on his face.
"Your sixteen?"

I nodded," Yup i just turned sixteen a few days ago."

"When?" He asked curiously.

"October 13." I answered with chuckle.

He gaped at me and cleared his throat.

"Wow okay then happy late birthday, now i gotta buy you a present." Justin laughed and dragged me inside the mall.

"Um no your not man, you are not allowed to buy me a birthday present." I stopped walking causing him to stumble back and give me a strange look.

"Why not? Your birthday was yesterday, i have my rights you know." He pulled his arm from under mine and crossed his arms over his chest.

I stuck my tongue out at him,"Well boo who to you. Screw your rights."

I gave him an innocent smile.
Justin's mouth fell open again in shock.

"You are so mean Nikki." He frowned and pouted.

I gave a small giggle and stuck out my bottom lip.
"Aw is wittle Justin Bieber sad? You need your mommy to make it better?" I cooed in a baby voice.

His lips formed a thin line and gave me a sad look.

"You hurt my feelings." Justin placed a hand over his heart and looked away.

Something inside my stomach knotted and i bit my lip.
He looked pretty cute... Oh come on you seriously can't deny that Justin Bieber is cute.
Hmph that's what I thought.

I couldn't help myself so i just threw my arms around his neck and gave him a hug.
For a second there i thought i heard him say "I need to be sad more often."

"Okay I'm sorry, i was a little mean there." I gave him a sheepish look.

He hugged me back and i unwrapped my arms from around his neck.

"Yeah you were." He hmphed, i laughed and patted his arm slowly.

"Alright... Now let's shop till we drop." A big smile spread over my face.

He groaned and followed me reluctantly.
"Alright, Alright you win."

"Oh! There's Forever 21!" I squealed happily.

I grabbed Justin's arm that was full of his and my shopping bags and pulled him into the store.

"Nikki your not serious are you?" Justin groaned as i stacked up on some dresses and random clothes that i found that were extremely cute.

Okay what have we learned today? Never offer to go shopping with me or I will make my parents go bankrupt, and especially if a guy offers 'cause he's going to hold all the shopping bags.

I gave him a big smile a walked to the direction of the Fitting Rooms.
"Yes I am."

He gave a desperate groan and followed me into the Fitting Rooms.


"What do you think of this?" I asked modeling a black dress with a green shirt attached to it for Justin.

Justin was sitting on a couch that was just outside the Fitting Room stall. All our shopping bags were sprawled out around him.

"Well?" I asked again giving a slight twirl.

He looked at me up and down and smiled. Believe me when i say this; his smile is freaking contagious.

"It looks awesome on you. It compliments your body." I flushed a million shades of red. I think i even looked like a tomato.

"Thanks." I squeaked out smiling shyly.

I quickly ran inside the stall to try on the next dress. This time i came out wearing a strapless dress. It was stripped black and white horizontally at the top the a thick black belt in the middle and the rest was black. It fell just above my knees. I came out of the stall and Justin's mouth fell open... literally.

"I- uh wow, that looks amazing on you. You can see your curves." Once again i blushed a thousand shades of red.

He got up and walked over to me.

"Really?" I asked turning myself to face the mirror. "I think It looks blah on me."

"No it looks amazing, your getting that." He said poking my side.

I giggled loudly after he poked me. Nobody knew this but i was mad ticklish on my stomach and sides. He cocked his eyebrow and poked me again. I giggled girlishly again.

"Stop." I whined swatting his hand away."That tickles."

"Oh really?" He gave me a devilish look.

I gulped. Uh-oh. I started backing away waving my hands in front of me.

"No, no Justin." I gave him a tight smile, "Don't-"

But i was already to late. He started tickling me on my sides. Which caused me to start laughing loudly.

"Justin stop that tickles." I laughed trying to pry him off me.

"Nope." He popped the 'p' and continued tickling me.

A few minutes later he stopped tickling me, which caused me to have tears on my cheeks and having trouble breathing. I laughed so hard until i cried.

"I didn't know you were that ticklish." He shrugged and gave me an innocent smile.

I shot him a hard look and an evil grin.
Oh he was gonna get it.
You've ever heard of playback's a bitch?
♠ ♠ ♠
Ohhh poor Justin.
Well this is the longest chapter i've ever written on mibba. It took like hours to write it so, please tell me what you think of it.
More to come, don't worry.
