Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

004 "Leaving Canada"

I was sitting on the sofa in my aunts living room watching TV, while my parents packed up their suitcases and all that shit, but i wasn't really paying attention to the TV because I was texting Justin. We would've been hanging out but he had to go to New York to get interviewed again by the Today Show. I know it's sucks but at the same time it doesn't.

1 new text message

To: JB
From: Nikki
Why did you have to leave me here with my horrid family that i love?

I smiled at his response,"Cute."

From: JB
Um you love them? lol

To: JB
From: Nikki
:b You suck man

To: Nikki
From: JB
U kno you luv me ^^.

"Of course." I thought chuckling to myself.

To: JB
From: Nikki
Uhhh yeahh let's stick with that. ;]

To: Nikki
From: JB
When are you leaving Canada?

To: JB
From: Nikki
Well I'm leaving in a few minutes. Oh and btw I'm not going to California.

"Nikki?" I my mum called from behind me.

"Yeah?" I answered not looking up from my phone.

"We're leaving soon. Don't forget your flight leaves earlier then ours." Mum reminded me, as she walked by holding her suitcase.

My phone vibrated and I looked at the text that Justin sent me

To: Nikki
From: JB
Mm? So where u goin'?

I started to reply as I grabbed my suitcase and my book bag and as i walked out the front door.

To: JB
From: Nikki
It's all hush hush, ;) It's a secret and I'm not gonna tell youu. I gtg i'll text u soon. Bye Justin ;]

He took a minute to reply.

To: Nikki
From: JB
:( Alright fine. ttyl Nikki bye

And that was the end of our convo.

My family and I, which consisted of my mum, dad, and two big brothers which were twins by the way, and me. We got there a few minutes early. We had to check in then pass through security, get our bags into the baggage check and all that jazz.
Currently I was saying goodbye to my family at my terminal, the airplane was already boarding.

"Okay mum i'll call you once i get off the plane in New York." I gave my mum a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I then turned to my dad and also gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek," By daddy i'll see you soon."

My brothers held their arms open wide and collected me into a gigantic hug.

"We'll miss you little sista." They both said at the same time. I still couldn't get used to that.

"Right back at you guys." I smiled and grabbed my book bag and fished my ticket from my back pocket.

I gave them one last wave before boarding the airplane. Sitting myself down on my first class seat in JetBlue i pulled out my phone and smiled at the picture of Justin and I. Before he left to New York like two days ago, he took a picture of us. With him kissing my cheek and with me blushing madly. I thought it was cute so i put it as my iphone wallpaper.
Shutting off my phone i felt the familiar knot sensation in my stomach as i thought of him.
But i shook it off. Maybe I was just nervous to fly in an airplane... Yeah that was it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's chapter four :DD
hope u guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. Dont worry Justin will be in the next chapter so hold ur hair in place :D
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