Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

007 "James Bond"

Justin ended up taking me to this Italian restaurant called Gigi's Italian Restaurant. It was about one hour away from 5th avenue.
I climbed out of the limo and Justin being a gentleman as always helped me out of the limo. We intertwined fingers and walked inside the restaurant hand in hand. We've been doing that alot lately.
A waiter walked up to us, when he saw me he gave me a flirtatious wink and scowled at Justin.

"Reservation under Bieber." Justin said with a tight smile.

"Right follow me." The waiter muttered, he grabbed two menus and walked away.

Justin and I exchanges looks and followed the waiter. He lead us to the second floor. Our table was on the balcony overlooking the lower level. I smiled and sat down, and Justin sat across from me.

"I'm Carter, I'll be your waiter today." Carter smiled at me and pulled out a clicky pen and note pad. "What would you like to drink sugar?"

That obviously was directed towards me. Justin glared at Carter's head. I rolled my eyes and cleared my throat.

"I'd like a Sprite." I answered then I shifted my gaze towards Justin,"What would you like darling."

"Sprite as well." Justin looked at Carter and smirked at him.

"Sprite it is." Carter sighed and walked away.

When the waiter was a safe distance I burst out laughing.

"I'm pretty sure that guy was plotting very bloody ways to kill you JB." I smiled and picked up a menu.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure of that too." He smiled and picked up a menu.

A few minutes later Carter came back with our Sprite's. He set them down and walked away. I picked up my cup and started drinking it. I noticed he left straws on the table.
An evil smirk formed on my face.
I grabbed the straw and opened it.

"Hey J bear." I said rolling a piece of the straw paper.

"Hmm." He answered not looking up from the menu.

"Let's play spy." I said in a serious tone.

Justin let out a cough and set the menu down. I grabbed my sprite and started drinking it timidly.

"Seriously?" He asked his eyes gleaming with amusement.

I nodded furiously.

"I thought you'd never ask." He laughed and smirked,


We were now coming up with nicknames for our selfs. You n=know code names and all that jibby jabber. So far Justin's code name was: JB or James Bond and/or 007.
Yes i know too many.
My code name was: 008. I was really frustrated at that. Justin got the cool code name.

"Why James Bond?" Justin asked sipping his drink.

Our food didn't come yet. I ordered Fehttuchini Alfredo with chicken and Justin ordered the special pasta with Beef meat balls and salad on the side. It's only been and hour...

"Well your initials are JB, which that can either stand for Jonas Brother/s, James Bond or J Bear." I inquired smiling smugly at him."You decide."

"Touche." He replied,"Alright, James Bond it is."

Justin looked around and smiled as the guy Carter brought our food.

"Finally." I muttered and started eating.

When we were done Justin called for the check and paid for it. I scowled at him for that. I didn't like people paying for me. I didn't feel right. I'd get him back for that. Oh and It also turned out Carter, the waiter, left me a note. I pocketed it making sure Justin didn't see it.
I'd read it later.
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Not my best but ehh.