Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

008 "The Best Dare In The History Of The World"

Justin and I were nearly done with our "date" or whatever you want to call it. Cause frankly I had no clue what to call it. All he told me was he was taking me out. Boys are so fucking complicated sometimes. But hey you can't live with them but you can't lived without them.
Justin ended up taking me to Central Park after the restaurant. So no we were just strolling the park aimlessly.
I stopped walking and sat on a bench. Justin kept walking but noticed I wasn't next to him. He stopped walking and looked back.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked coming up to me and then sat next to me.

"Eh didn't feel like walking anymore." I said lazily crossing my arms and gave him a cheeky smile.

He simply shrugged."Alright."

I smiled and looked up into the sky. It was clear blue with a few white puffy clouds just floating astray. It was a really wonderful day. Without thought I started playing with the locket he gave me randomly.

"I'm glad you stuck to your word about never taking off the locket." Justin smiled scooting closer to me.

I blushed and looked down.

"Your welcome." I replied looking back up."I'm a person that keeps to her word."

"That's good to know." He said lightly.

But then it sparked me to ask him about our so called "date".

"Hey Justin." I said catching his attention.

He smirked to himself then gave me that nod that guys always do.

"What are you calling this outing that we are having?" I asked giving him a questioning look."I mean is this just a friendly thing or is it a date?"

"Well what do you think it is?" He asked raising his eyebrow, the smirk still on his face.

"Um, well I'm out in Central Park with a celebrity that has been taking me out more times then i've personally taken out my dog Chico, so I have no clue what to call it." I replied with a smirk."Oh and I can't forget that the guy is insanely cute."

He thought for a moment, "Touche."

"Well?" I asked getting jittery.

"It's a date." He concluded after three minutes of thinking to himself.

My heart literally skip about 20 beats and my mouth gapped open.

"Seriously?" I asked just to make sure I heard him right.

Justin nodded. A big smile formed on my face and I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back immediately.

"Oh and you lost the bet." He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spin.

We pulled away from the hug and I gave him a pouty look.

"I did?" I sighed and crossed my arms,"Fine what's the dare?"

Justin smirked at me ad took my hands in his.

"Well it's really nothing embarrassing." He said with a full on smile. Then leaned in closely to me."I dare you to kiss me."

This time I almost choked on my saliva... keyword:almost.
I swear this boy would be the death of me...

"I can live with that." I whispered back softly.

We leaned in and our lips touched gently. He kiss was soft yet firm, and held so much passion. We kissed for about three minutes then I pulled back for two reasons.
One: I needed air
Two:We we're out in public

"Whoa." I breathed smiling at him.

"What?" Justin asked intertwining his fingers with mines.

"That was the best kiss, and dare, in the history of the world." I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mehh I think i'm the queen of cliché moments lol
Anyways i though that was a cute way of ending it.
Leave comments and while ur at it subscribee please ^.^
Oh and just a reminder: That won't be the last of Carter. You know Carter the waiter from the restaurant last chapter.
I'll leave you here.