Status: Yay new story! :D

The Rebel in Me

009 "The Penguin."


A small clicking sound came from a near bush.

Right on cue and....

"Awe shit." I cursed slapping my forehead slightly.

I should have known paparazzi would follow Justin.

"No cursing." Justin scolded poking me in the arm.

I gave him a strangled look. "No cursing when paparazzi are following you around? Really, fuck it dude. Let's get out of here."

He gave me another look. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, and lead him to the pathway, away from the paparazzi.

"Have paparazzi followed you before?" Justin asked as we walked down the side walk.

"Yup, with my mum when we were shopping in Paris." I replied shrugging.

He raised an eyebrow at me but said nothing. Justin took out his phone and proceeded to call someone. Seconds later he disconnected with them and placed his phone back in his pocket.

"The car will pick us up on the corner of Central Park West." Justin said grabbing my hand.

As we walked in silence I started stretching slightly. You know stretching your arm muscles etc etc. My shirt rolled up my stomach a bit revealing my belly button and piercing. It was a little penguin.

"You have your belly button pierced?" Justin asked poking the little penguin, making it swing.

I gasped and covered it up slapping his hand away.

"Yeah but no touching." I pointed a finger at him as we continued walking.

He raised his hands in a surrendering gesture.

"Alright alright." Justin simpered laughing. "Why'd you get a belly piercing?"

"I don't know, I found it pretty cool, so I got one." I shrugged and shoved my hands in my pocket.

"Cool." Justin replied giving me a smile.

That's when we heard tons of clicks. I turned around and saw a swarm of paparazzi.

"Shit." I cursed and turned back around.

"Let's make a run for it."Justin whispered as we started walking faster.

"I'll try, I got heels." I pointed to my shoes.

"On the count of three." He whispered as we speed walked.

"One." I started.


"Three." We both said simultaneously and started making a run for it.
♠ ♠ ♠
blahh not my best work, It's just a filler. But hey cut me some slack, i'm sick and i got a headache but i decided to write.
So comments would be nice :]

Nikki's Airplane Outfit
Nikki's Date Outfit
