

It's always been Mimi and Danny. Best friends for life. Through thick and thin. Though what happens when Danny wants to be more than friends ? Miaria Hawkins. It kinda has to ring to it, but Danny has been my best friend since we were kids. He saved my life during the school shooting in ninth grade. Some psycho held me and five other kids hostage for two days at school, and nearly killed us at gun-point. I broke my leg, Danny got shot in the arm by trying to block a bullet from flying into my chest. My brother died. My friend, Riley was fine, but he had a lot of therapy to go to that year. I don't know what happened to the kid, he like ran out of a window and never came back. At then end of the two days, the cops found a way in and the psycho, I think his name was like Jack or something, and then Jack killed himself. I remember that he was gay. I have nothing against gay people, so I don't know why he held me or my brother hostage. So many unanswered questions, but anyway Danny has always been my best friend. I don't know if I could ever like him like that, I mean I have a boyfriend, Connor Newman.

[ - - - ]

"Mimi" My nickname was being screamed through the hall ways of my school. I turned around my heel and my best friend ran up and hugged me, a little too long.

"Hey" I said simply "Where's Andrea ?" A flash of anger and depression flashed through his blue eyes in a second, but then he looked at me and smiled

"She had to go home early. She got the flu" He replied, sounding too happy.

I let out a slow sigh "That means we can't double tonight" I complained

"We can just go, you and me" He suggested, sounding too hope full, which he was always what he had been doing every time he had asked me to do something with him.

"What about Connor ?" I asked

He let out a quick groan "Come on Mimi, it's never just you and me anymore. We need to get to know each other better"

I knew what he meant by that, and just to get him off my back, I said yes and took off to the my next class to avoid getting myself into more trouble with him.

[ - - - ]

The movies with Danny weren't too bad, I didn't have to talk to him at all. Though when the movie was over he attempted at kissing me, but I bent down to grab my purse to avoid it. I said my mom needed me home and with that I left...

It's Danny's birthday, and being the good friend that I am, I invited him over to hangout. We had been talking for awhile. I was the one that had brought up his girlfriend.

"So Andrea called me today, she's upset that she missed your birthday. But she said if she's feeling better next weekend that she has a present for you"

"Oh" He replied. He had been giving me one syllable answers when I mentioned her.

"You guys are so cute together" I started "You know how awesome it would be if you guys got married when we graduated ?"

With that Danny slammed his hand down on my coffee table and said "When will you ever understand that I don't like Andrea ?"

Danny took a short pause so I opened my mouth, but his words were all I hear "I hate it when you talk about how cute we are together because I don't like her !" He screamed to me "I love you. You, you, you, you, you. Ever since second grade when he shared your snack with me, and in fourth grade when you stood up for me when people made fun of me for getting glasses, and in seventh grade when i was going through puberty and you never made fun of my voice, I have loved you since, and you can't even bother to even see it !"

I didn't know what to say, so I just stared. Of coarse I knew he liked me, but he had crossed the line and after a few moments of silence he got frustrated and left, but only to come back again and kiss me on the lips and then leave again.

[ - - - ]

seven years later

This evening my husband and I put on our wedding party outfits. We drove to the wedding chapel to witness my best friends wedding, which was a beautiful ceremony. We went to the reception after wards, and I finally got my turn to dance with my best friend.

"So Danny, I guess you owe me some bucks" I said, which resulted in him giving me a confused look.

"When we graduated collage you said that if you married Andrea that you would pay me like twenty something dollars because I was right !"

He smiled a sly smile and said "I'll pay you when I get back from Hawaii"

I smiled to that too "well who's going to tell me their crazy stories for the next two weeks ? Not Connor !"

He laughed and kissed my cheek "you know I'll always love you, right ?"

"right" I agreed, and I hugged him before my husband could take me away to dance with me.
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it's cheesy and not my best work, I know, but it's still cute :)
oh, and Mimi is Miaria Walsh, Mimi is just her nickname.
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