Sequel: Time Heals All
Status: Complete

The New Divide In Time

Chapter 10

~Scene Change: Police station~

“We just got a tape!” Hotch yelled, running into the conference room. Everyone watched as he placed it into the VCR connected to the television. When the tape started playing, Nicky gasped and closed her eyes. Spencer was tied up on the table used to kill Emily, used on her and every other girl tortured down there.

“Alysson,” Spencer’s voice filled the speakers. Nicky looked up, surprised he called her Alysson.

“He’s keeping you protected.” JJ said, seeing the look on Nicky’s face. Michael, who was in his pack and play, heard Spencer’s voice and started fussing.

“I’m sorry,” Spencer went on. “2-10, I don’t regret, or even 11-10. I don’t regret any of it.”
Spencer paused for a long moment before saying, “I did not want to be a father. I did not want to have the burden of kids interrupt my career. That kid doesn’t deserve me as a father.” Spencer stared straight at the camera, straight making eye contact with everyone watching the screen. Nicky felt her heard flutter at the intensity in his eyes. “I never wanted any of this to happen. This is not my responsibility. I’m sorry I’m leaving you with this burden, Aly, but I’m no longer going to be in my son’s life.” The tape shut off right after the last line.

“2-10 and 11-10 mean anything to you?” Hotch asked Nicky. She nodded her head at once.

“2-10, February 10, the night we created Michael, and 11-10 is November 10, the day
Michael was born.”

“He was telling us not to believe a word he said.” Prentiss said, rubbing her eyebrows.

“He wouldn’t need to do that, we know not to take what he says seriously.” Morgan said.

“We need to get the tape to Garcia.” Hotch said, getting ready to take it out.

“Wait, play it again.” Rossi said suddenly. Hotch rewound the tape to where Spencer stared into the camera.

“Look at his eyes.” Rossi said, pointing it out. Nicky saw tears, but also a layout of the room around him, and the reflection of a heavy metal door.

“He’s in a basement, I know that much.” Nicky said, looking over the door. “But how many places have a door like that in their basement?”

“Hard to say,” Morgan replied.

“Factories have doors like that,” Prentiss spoke up. “Mansions will have doors like that to protect things.”

“There’s no mansions around here and it wasn’t a mansion,” Nichole said, thinking. She couldn’t see anything around her because they had blind folded her, but one person was able to see where they had been. Leah.

“We need to talk to Leah,” Nicky said, turning to face them. “She’s the only one who was able to see anything other than that room.” The phone rang suddenly. Morgan reached and pressed the speaker button.

“Hey Garcia you’re on speaker.” he said.

“Okay, I did a voice analysis on this Ryan character and I got a match. He was involved in a threatening phone call a few years ago.”

“That doesn’t seem to relevant.” Hotch said.

“Wait till you here the message mon capitan.” she replied. There was a crackling over the speakers, followed by a male’s voice.

“Samantha, you better allow me to see my damn daughter. If you don’t, I’ll come to your house and take her from you. Then I slit your throat, maybe make you suffer through your ultimate humiliation. You cannot keep her from me forever. I will get her eventually. Mark my words, you’ll regret ever keeping her from me, but of course, how can you regret anything when you’re dead? If you don’t let me see Tabatha, you will pay the ultimate price, your life.”

“He threatened his baby’s mother for rights to see her?” JJ asked, looking at everyone.

“Not only did he threaten sweet cakes, he acted. Samantha Tilbit was found dead in her home by her mother. The mother got control of the baby but Ryan was never even suspected of the crime, but he had the MO that he spoke so vividly of on the phone.”

“Sounds like a stressor as well.” Rossi said, rubbing his eyes.

“There’s more,” Garcia said. “Ryan’s mother, Mellissa, was in a mental institution years ago. Ryan’s father abandoned them and it bent her all out of place. She cut herself, beat herself. She mistreated Ryan and became a very sick woman.”

“That’s why she’s after men who hasn’t taken care of their kids,” Nicky exclaimed. “Because she felt they abandoned them the way her husband abandoned her and her son.”

“Right,” Garcia said.

“Do you have a current address Garcia?” Morgan asked.

“Negative, but there is a family owned factory just a few miles from where you are.” Garcia replied. “It’s her family but she’s the only one left besides her son and the business went down years ago.”

“Factory,” Nicky breathed.

“Stay here,” Hotch ordered her. “Everyone else suit up.”
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finally an update!!! :D lol sorry been kinda busy, but anywho, think they'll find Spencer there? Will they find him in time? more coming as soon as I can get it up!!!