The Chronicles Of Thomas Fairholme: A Vampire's Story

The Chronicles Of Thomas Farholme: a vampire's story

It was a dark,cold night, Thomas Fairholme was walking home from basketball practice, then as if from thin air, a man appeared and tackled Thomas to the ground. Thomas struggled to get free but the mysterious man was too strong,the man had red murderous eyes with a wispy beard. The man bent down to Thomas's neck and sunk his sharp teeth into Thomas's flesh. His life flashed before his eyes and he thought of his dad in New York working in a college laboratory and his mom at home. Then he blacked out. Thomas woke the next morning, still lying on the wet pavement,he felt weird and his neck was stiff. There were no marks from the close encounter with death the night before. His teeth hurt and went up to touch them then recoiled in shock, two of his teeth were as sharp as the man's from the night before.
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that's all I have so far..tell me want you think and what should come next..thanx