The Chronicles Of Thomas Fairholme: A Vampire's Story

The Chronicles Of Thomas Farholme: a vampire's story

Thomas was a vampire, he didn't know what else to think. He could tell by the burning sensation in his throat demanding for blood. He ran home as fast as he could and got there within seconds, he opened the kitchen door and ran inside.
"I'll try and quench the thirst with some water"

he muttered to himself. He grabbed a glass and turned on the faucet, lrt the water fill the cup and took a drink. Right away he spit it out.

" This tastes like crap" he said and he couldn't deny It, he was a vampire. Just then his cat walked into the kitchen, he couldn't control himself and he pounced his mouth watering. Once he got a hold of his prey, he sunk his sharp teeth into the cats furry flesh. He drank and drank and drank until the cat's body was entirly empty of blood. He left his cat and went out to hunt some more, his cat dead on the floor.