The Chronicles Of Thomas Fairholme: A Vampire's Story

The Chronicles Of Thomas Farholme: a vampire's story

Thomas went to school the following month, saying he had a rare flu that happened to alot of people in his family. He'd only been feeding off of people about to die and or were already dead. He thought he was more then ready to go to school and boy was he wrong.

He was in english class when his stomach growled and his teeth enlarged to full size. Cynthia, a girl in Thomas's class that he had a huge crush on, excused herself from class to go to the washroom. "Probably to go gossip no doubt" he mumbled to himself. When Cynthia got there she started talking to a girl in the washroom, but to a different girl that she probably wanted to make friends with. Her name was Alexandra, Alex for short, and she gossips about anything she can get her hands on.
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I'll put more when i find out what to put thanx