The Chronicles Of Thomas Fairholme: A Vampire's Story

The Rest of the other chapter

When Cynthia turned to leave she heard Alex say " I can't wait to text my friends about this!" texting sounds coming from a distance. Right away Cynthia turned to Alex and pushed her, right into the sink. Alex bashed her head on the edge,with a deafening snap. Knowing what she'd done, Cynthia ran out of th bathroom crying. Thomas from class, could smell the blood and his stomach growled and his teeth started to enlarge. " Mrs. Chalke, my I be excused?" Thomas asked sounding really sick.

" Yes but don't come back until you are absolutey sure you're not going to get sick in my classroom." Thomas walked out of class with a quickened pace towards the washrooms. Making sure no one was looking, he walked into the girls washroom and saw Alex on the floor. Glad it wasn't Cynthia, he started to walk out, then all of a sudden his stomach growled and his teeth enlarged. His insticts took over him and he turned and walked towards Cynthia, bent down and started filling the hungry monster inside him. Her blood tasted like lilacs and chocolate and everything else that smelled and tasted good, not aware of the persong behind him, he heard a terrified scream. He turned with blood on his lips, his eyes wide with hunger. Without realizing, he pounced on the girl and snaped her neck like a tooth pick and started drinking her blood too. After he relized what had happened, he ran out of the school terrified about what he'd done.

He was sitting in a tree when Allie caught up with him, telling him there was a cannibal in the school and that he should be careful, then walked away. Thomas jumped from the branch and landed on his feet, it was fun being a vampire with the strength, speed, super hearing, super eyesight,super smell and extra balance except for the part about drinking blood, that was not fun at all. His parents have been watching his eating habits latley wondering what was wrong, when he said he wanted to go on a diet, they were surprised, he was already skinny and didn't need to be on a diet, but they eventually caved. He started to eat salade alot because it was easier to sneak blood into, his parents didn't even want to try the oily substance. He had found many different ways to use blood, toothpaste and other uses. His life seemed pretty well for a vampire, but he always wondered how he became one, he understood the man in black biting him but there had to be more, there just had to be.