The Chronicles Of Thomas Fairholme: A Vampire's Story

stalker of the night

A man was running through the bushes, being careful not to be seen by his prey. He had red eyes and had black hair. He climbed a nearby tree to get a better look of his surroundings when he saw the girl turning into a driveway, it was now or wait til tomorrow night. The man jumped from the top of the tree and started willing his body towards the girl. When he hit the ground he broke into a run, with his speed he would be there within a second. The man pounced and grabbed the girl by the neck, rendering her helpless against his strength. The girl tried to let out a scream but couldn't get enough air into her lungs. The man walked over to the side of her house and pinned her against it, pleased by her fear. He ran his finger down her neck, tracing a big delicious looking vein. He was about to bite into her neck when a huge light brightened the darkness, scared he might be caught, the man dropped the girl and ran off into the darkness. The girl, confused and scared, ran towards the door, opened it , and ran inside. Dissapointed that he didn't get to eat, he ran towards the abandoned house near the lake where he would rest, until the next night. He would find that girl again even if he had to go out in daylight. He had not met anyone with that nice of blood since the boy he had hunted last month.