Status: I need one more comment before I update.

I Think I May Be Sorry


I sat in my last class of the day, A.P. World History, and stared out of the big window. The sun was hiding behind dark, thick clouds, and torrents of rain fell through the sky, soaking everything beneath.

A dash of black cloth… And my attention was caught. Three boys stood in the rain, laughing at each other. Water dripped down their bodies, their dark clothing clinging tightly to their silhouettes. Their hair hung damply downwards, and their smiles were so bright, there wouldn’t be a need for a sun anymore. They looked so happy, so content- Like nothing was missing from their lives.

My heart exploded.

Not literally, of course. But it felt the same. Sharp bits of definite pain stabbed through me, ripping me a part. On the inside, my system was a chaotic tornado, a storm of depression tearing everything up. On the outside, my face was arranged in my usual blank, stoic, tense stare.

A silent tear slid down my cheek, and then my guard was back up. Nothing could get in, or out. Nothing.

Except Matt.

Matthew Charles Sanders. He walked past me, day by day, and didn’t even acknowledge me. The same guy I would give my last breath for, if he needed it. Heck, if he even slightly wanted it, it was his. He was the most perfect creature that roamed this earth. From his dark brown hair, to his deep voice, to his dimples, everything about him stunned me, and drew me in. I was absolutely in love with him… and he looked right through me, like I was a dirty, smudged window.

He was my shooting star. He was the sand beneath my feet; he was the wind beneath my metaphoric wings. I would carry him in my heart forever. I didn’t just want him, I needed him. If I couldn’t have him, my life would be pointless. He was my world. He was my everything. I lived for him, I loved for him- I loved him. He had a piece of me, whether or not he knew it.

And my guess was that he doesn’t.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahh, I am VERY VERY sorry this is so drastically short... but I've had a bad day, and a sudden burst of inspitiration hit me, and this is what happened. And I figured, what the fuck, this can be a filler. I may rewrite this chapter, so check back and see if I do.

Uhmm. You know the drill, biznitches; Comment. Subscribe. But, most importantly: READ THE GODDAMN THING!

i <33 you all. [:

p.s. I meant to spell inspiration wrong. :DD

p.s.s. i'm not going to update again until i get at least 3 more comments.