Status: Complete

I Never Stopped Loving You...


He said the way my blue eyes shined
Put those Georgia stars to shame that night
I said: "That's a lie."

I stood on the back porch of my family's two story Victorian style home as I thought about all the nights, Alex and I spent out here. I remember most of the those nights as if they were yesterday. Alex and I would always sit out here on the stairs, or lay on a blanket and just look up at the stars as my head lay on his chest.

One night in particular stood out. We were out in the yard laying on my old quilt, my head on his chest and the only sounds I could hear where his heart beat and the crickets out in the fields. Our fingers were intertwined; the sky was as clear as ever and the moon and stars shone brilliantly.

"Hey, Riley?"

I looked up at Alex. "Yeah?" He looked deep into my eyes and smiled.

"Did I ever tell you that you have the most beautiful blue eyes I've seen?" I blushed.


"Well, you do. And Riley?"


"I love you." I leaned up and kissed him softly.

"I love you, too."

Just a boy in a Chevy truck
That had a tendency of gettin' stuck
On back roads at night
And I was right there beside him all summer long
And then the time we woke up to find that summer gone

I remember this one night, Alex and I were out driving and his truck broke down on a back road.

"Well, great. Nice goin' Alex." I muttered as the truck came to a stop.

"I didn't do it!" he yelled. As he put the truck in park and jumped out. I rolled my eyes and jumped out as well and went to the front of the truck. Alex had the hood up and he was fidgeting with something. After a couple minutes later he groaned and kicked the bumper.


"Smooth one Alex. You're truck's broke down, I have no cell service and we're no where near home!" I yelled as he ran his hands though his shaggy brown and blond hair. Alex looked at me.

"ME!?" He shouted outraged. "How is this MY fault? I didn't purposely screw with the engine so we'd get stuck out here, Riley!"

"UGH!" I pushed him away from me and walked back over to the side of the truck. "Idiot." I muttered under my breath.

"Oh, yeah... real mature Riley. I'm such an idiot; because I have such control over my truck's engine!" He yelled as he walked towards me again. I poked his chest and he grabbed my hands.

"Alex, let go!" I yelled. He shook his head and smirked. "Alex, now." I growled. He shook his head again and his free hand went to my waist. "I'm serious. Let go." I giggled while glaring.

"Oh, really now?" He asked as his face inched closer. My glare softened as I looked his face over; eyes finally landing on his soft, pink lips.

I nodded my head, "Y-yeah."

"Liar." Alex whispered before he pressed his lips softly to mine. I kissed him back and he slowly let go of my hands as I deepened the kiss. Gosh, everything felt right when I was with him, like nothing else mattered. Man, how I wish that was the deal now.

But When You Think Tim McGraw
I Hope You Think My Favorite Song
The One We Danced To All Night Long
The Moon Like A Spotlight On The Lake
When You Think Happiness
I Hope You Think That Little Black Dress
Think Of My Head On Your Chest
And My Old Faded Blue Jeans
When You Think Tim McGraw
I Hope You Think Of Me

I would always sneak out of the house to go hang out with Alex. He'd wait at the end of the driveway for me around midnight and we'd drive down to the lake that was about five miles from the house. Alex would drive his truck down into the field and usually we'd just lay in the bed on a blanket, but one night Alex had a different idea.

"Alex what are you doing?" I asked as he turned his radio up and came around to my side of the truck. Alex opened my door and lifted me out of the truck.

"Alex!" I giggled, "Alex, what are you doing?" I asked as he set me on my feet.

"This," Alex placed one of my hands on his shoulder and held the other one to his chest. Then he wrapped his open arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

My favorite song by Tim McGraw 'Live Like You Were Dying' came on the radio and as we danced Alex sang to me. When the song ended, Alex placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you." He murmured against my lips, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

"I love you, too, Alex." I whispered before kissing him again.

September saw a month of tears
And thankin' God that you weren't here
To see me like that
But in a box beneath my bed
Is a letter that you never read
From three summers back
It's hard not to find it all a little bitter sweet
And lookin' back on all of that, it's nice to believe

I sat on the porch steps as a tear fell down my cheek. The times I had spent with Alex were the best I'd ever had and I couldn't seem to find anything better in the whole two years I'd been gone. And the whole year I'd been back. My parent's had sent me to a boarding school in Maryland, only because they thought I'd get a better education there. That's why I left, that's why I'm not with him now... because my parent's wanted me to get something I could of easily gotten six miles from here.

The whole first month that I was gone, I cried whenever I was by myself. I hated not being able to get to see him, not being able to sneak off to the lake with him, not being in his arms. My roommates helped me get my mind off of him by taking me to the football games, going to the parties in the guys dorms, or they'd drag me to their cheer practices. But nothing solely got him off my mind. So I decided to write him a letter, but I never sent it. I was too scared to send it. I was afraid he had already moved on to some chick from our old school and forgot about me.

"Riley?" I looked up at my mom as I wiped the tears away.


"You have a visitor." She said softly. I got up and started into the house, to the front door. When I got there, I couldn't believe the view in front of me. Alex, in all his glory, was standing there in his Levi's and a blue and white plaid button up shirt. I slowly opened the door.

"Hey Riley." He said as he looked into my eyes. Tears of joy ran down my face and I ran into his arms. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me up off the ground.

"Shhh.. it's okay." He cooed into my ear as I cried. Alex was home, he was here, and I was in his arms again.

"That's just it. I'm happy." I said as I pulled back to look at his face. He'd cut all his shaggy hair off. Alex hugged me tighter and kissed my forehead.

"Riley...." Alex put me down and grabbed my hands. "I love you. I haven't forgotten about you, it was too hard to forget." More tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

"I love you too." I whispered as he leaned in and kissed me softly. OH god how I missed that feeling.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked as he placed his forehead on mine. I nodded my head and kissed the tip of his nose.

"Yeah." I said breathless.

"I love you, and I missed you so much."

"Why didn't you come over earlier? Like when I came back?" I asked, a little mad that he hadn't come to see me sooner.

"I didn't know if you'd want to see me still. But I ran into your mom and dad the other day and they told me how much you missed me." He admitted sheepishly. I smiled a little and hugged him again.

"I love you, Alex. I never stopped." I said into the crook of his neck.

"Me too, Rils... me too."

Just because you're one true love goes away, doesn't always mean you have to give up on them. Have Faith. Have Hope.
♠ ♠ ♠
:) Hope you guys like this!
I've been working on this for like two months... maybe longer.
I just didn't have anything to wrrite until earlier. :)

Riley :)
Alex :)

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