Placentia Insane Asylum

With child

Brad called me, all worked up about a something but my phone died so I didn't get it. I was laying down in my room, holding my stomach. Suddenly, I heard something crash through my window. I shot up, seeing broken glass and a rock. I picked up the rock, reading it carefully.

The one with child shall live

I felt my stomach doing jumping jacks. What the hell was this about? I heard someone walking by my window then jump onto my balcony. I looked out to see Jeremy.

"You need to come with me" He said when I opened the balcony doors.

I handed him the rock. He took it, reading it. He grabbed my hand, pulling me out onto the roof. We got off my roof, and ran off to Brad's house. When we got there, everyone was in the living room. Jeremy tossed Brad the rock, telling him it was in my room. Brad read it over, his face almost compleatly white.

"What's it say?" Jesse asked.

Brad handed Jesse the rock, who read it with Kayle.

"Whose with child?" Kayle asked.

Brad looked at me, and kind of frowned. He stood up, gently shoving me into the kitchen. When he knew everyone was out of earshot he turned to face me.

"The one with child. Who is that?" He asked.

I looked down at my feet, chewing my lip. A few weeks ago I gave Brad something special. And now you can get the picture of my problem.

"Are you pregnant?" He asked. I looked down, nodding my head yes.

He lifted me up, kissing me.

"Ok so you may be a dad but were all going to fucking die!" Johnny said from the doorway.

We headed back into the living room, sitting around.

"Well what's this all mean?" Dustin said.

"That means we're all fucked!" Jeremy yelled. They had the rocks laid out, side by side.

"Well whoever is knocked up gets to live" Kayle said.

"Thank's Kayle" I said, smirking.

Her eyes got wide, mouth open.

"Oh my god Brad can make kids?" She said.

He flipped her off, holding me close. My guts were turning, doing flips. People were going to die. We litterally were going to head into our own hell.

"We can't go. Simple as that" Suzanne said.

"Umm we have to. If we back down, we'll look afraid. We have to beat, whatever this thing is" Taxman said, waving to the rocks.

Everyone looked at Brad. Maybe it was because he was strong, maybe it was beacuse he was a leader.

"I don't know what to do" Brad said, head in hands.

This was probably the toughest situation ever. Should we go in, face it all and ultimatly be killed? Or should we stay out, be safe, lead safe happy lives?
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So this really isn't what I planned, but I like it. Do you guys?