Placentia Insane Asylum

Watch Your Back

My mother and sister, Samantha, was at the kitchen table. They looked up at me, obviously not wanting me there. My dad followed close behind me, sitting down next to my mom. I set my bag on the floor and sat on the other end of the table. I held my hands together, looking down at my left hand. Brad gave me a ring for my 16th birthday of a pentacle. I wore it on my left ring finger and never took it off.

"Well tonight we are going out to dinner to meet with someone important. Your father and I are planning on having his boss's son live with us. His boss need's to go on medical leave and can't have him. He's 17 and a very bright boy" Mom said.

"Great" I said, rolling my eyes. She clicked her teeth, meaning aggitation towards me.

"Well when we do, you need to cover that up" she said, looking at my red and black nautical star tattooed on my left hand by my thumb. She hated that tattoo. I got it done illegally by Brad.

"So go get ready" Mom said.

I flung my chair back, grabbing my bag. I headed upstairs, making sure to make a lot of noise along the way. I tossed my bag on the bed, then opened my closet. I opteted for a pair of black and purple tripp pants, a rancid shirt, some black and purple stripped armwarmers, and my converse. I also made sure my pants were the ones that had the most chains and straps on them. I quickly tossed my hair into a bun, then headed downstiars. My family was already dressed, quite fancy too.

"Wow. You got the hardware store on your pants" Samantha said smuggly.

"Wow, you got every STD known to man" I spat back.

She just glanced sideways at me.

"Well if your sure that's what you wish to wear" my dad said.

We headed out to the car, me sitting in the way back of the Expidition. I looked out the window, hoping Brad would call tonight.
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Hopefully I'll get another chapter out before school. Next one will be in Brad's point of view.