Placentia Insane Asylum

Where I'm Going

I lay there in my room, starring at the posters. Ang was supposed to be calling when she got back from her dinner with her parent's.

"Dude chill the fuck out" Dustin said.

He stayed here since his parent's kicked him out. Dustin was on the computer, talking to Angel. He was planning on dating her but didn't know how she would react if he asked her.

"Ask her" Dustin said.

I sat up, looking at him.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well you like Ang, she obviously has a thing for you, so ask her to be your girlfriend."

I just looked at him, confused. I was just about to tell him to leave it alone when the phone rang. I picked it up, my gut spinning. I pressed the speaker button so Dustin could ehar as well.

"Hey" I said.

"Hey. So today was a dose of epic failure" Ang said from the other line.

"What happened?"

"My parent's opteted for having my Dad's boss son Mike live with us. And boy if he ain't jock. He told me I need to take my chains back to the hardware store. That's when everyone laughed so I flipped them off and walked home."

"You there by yourself?" I asked.

Dustin lifted up his eyebrow, knowing something was gonna be planned.

"You why?" Ang replied.

"Head over to my house. I'll meet you halfway." I said.

She said goodbye then hung up. Dustin messaged Angel, telling her to get everyone over here. I put on my converse and threw on my patched up coat. Dustin grabbed his hoodie and pocket knife. We headed out, walking north on winter street.

Ang met us up after about 10 minutes. She ran to me, holding onto me. Dustin was winking, so I flipped him off.

"Hi Dustin" Ang said, hugging him too.

"Everyone's meeting at my house by the way" I said, Drapping my arm around her. She was blushing but continued walking with me.
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Next one I think will either be in Dustin or Angel's point of view.