Placentia Insane Asylum

Slow Suicide

I had everyone meet up at Brad's house, well Bobby and Taxman that is. The door opened and in comes Dustin. Immediatly, my heart fluttered. He smiled at me but went right into the kitchen. Brad came in after, arm's wrapped tightly around Ang's waist. He plopped her down on his lap.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Nothing" Brad said, laughing.

"Alright freak" I said.

I headed out the door, not really knowing why I was there. I heard someone jogging up to me.

"Hey wait" I heard Dustin say.

I turned around, his smilling face beaming bright.

"Umm. So yeah. I was wondering if, well." He started to take a deep breath in, slowly letting it out. "Well I like you alot. I don't really know if you like me but I like you. Alway's kind of have liked you. So I was wondering, will you be my grilfriend?"

I looked at him, confused. I thought he didn't like me. But I do like him. I kind of just starred at him. He looked like he was going to pass out. I thought for a minute, not knowning if I should date him or not.

"Yes I will" I said, feeling myself blush.

He walked up to me, hand on my chin. And right there, under that starry night sky, Dustin gave me my first kiss.
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Short, I know this. I'm sorry guys. Just leave me comment's to inspire me.