Leave out All the Rest

Open Happiness

"Dude I fucking got it!" I yelled in frustration at my sister. I've been awake and released from the hospital but already I wished I stayed in there because everyone was treating me like I was made of glass and it fucking irritated me because I know what my limits are with the stitches and stuff.

"I so wish that your vocals were messed up right now, that way I wouldn't have to hear you bitch!" She mumbled as she almost choked me with my shirt that I was trying to put on.

"I appreciate everyone's help and shit but damn, I'm not an invalid!" I snatched my shirt away from my sister and tried once again to put it on without damaging anything. As soon as I succeeded, I had to listen to the long ass lecture from the doctor about what should I do if this happens or whatever. Like I'm gonna listen to him right now.

"You're just a stubborn ass Lady.. I'm so glad that I don't have to put up with you." I turned around to see all the gang there. They all took turns in groups to hug me as tightly as they could without hurting me which was like a very light hug. It pissed me off further when I should have been happy to see them but I sucked it up and gave them a smile because I know they were uber worried about me and stuff while all I wanted to scream and cry in frustration at them treating me this way.

We all finally left that damnable hospital and I was out in the fresh air and sunshine which lightened my mood considerably. That is until my tummy started to growl its deference to some food, some real food.

Corey, who had draped himself over me like a blanket, gave me an amused glance at that with his eyebrow cocked up in his typical fashion and his lips twisted in his famous smirk. Damn I was in serious need of some action.

"FUDS!!" I randomly yelled for everyone to hear which made everyone else randomly repeat what I said, "Let's gets some nom's people!" I pumped the air with my fist only to realize that kinda hurt.

"Ow.....Ok so no sudden movements..." I whined mainly to myself but everyone still heard it. I heard some snickering from a couple of people aka Squeak and Sid. I shot them a glare which re-doubled their stifling laughter, "What?" I asked them.

"Looks like you're not having wild monkey sex anytime soon!" Sid giggled. He soon had to hold on to Squeak for support as my face flamed red.

"What makes you think that I'm having wild monkey sex with anybody?" I incredulously asked him, "Oh you must have been a bad monkey George to be fantasizing monkey sex with anybody cause you can't get none from Squeak!"

I heard a couple of 'oohs' and snickers from our group as Sid stopped laughing and glared at me. Apparently I was right about the monkey man.

"Oh George! Here monkey monkey monkey!" I teased him full knowing that he can't come after me until I properly healed enough to deal with his monkey-ness.

Maybe being an invalid has its perks?
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Ok just so some of y'all know, this would be the flashback that is being told. So technically Lady's not dead.... Just so we're clear.