Status: Let me know your opinions. Constructive critisism is needed :)

The Love Story

The Beginning of the love

I was in a deep never ending spiral downwards; well that's what it seemed like to me. There was no way out, but downwards. I was sad, I was pissed of at the world and nothing ever seemed to go my way. Looking back on it now, that seems rather stupid.

I was unhappy because things around me were all changing. I didn't know what to do. I sometimes didn't know what was wrong. I found a way out in being pissed of at everyone. I didn't take anyone's crap. I swore and flipped of people and occasionally teachers too. My Mum had gotten a full time job, putting a whole lot of responsibility on me that I wasn't used too. Go too school by yourself, home by yourself, do your work, go to bed, do your jobs around the house. I have a brother; it was hard because I have always wanted to be like him. He was mart in maths and those subjects. He was just starting uni and it seemed like everything was focused on him. I felt like I was all alone in this world.

Little did I know then what was in store for me. Little did I know how much better, worse and complicated life was going to get from here on in.

I was plodding a long. Flipping of people and being the loudest I possibly could be. Why? Because that’s just me. My friend, Nez, she is great, we hang out and we always went to this tree. At lunch there is this tree on the top of oval with grass all around it. Irrelevant of course, but we ate lunch there every day. The some days these silly people in the grade below wanted to take over our eating place. But that a different story for another time.

*rewind to start of the year *
It was the start of another school year, new subjects, and same boring teachers. My subject was Business. Business of course involves computers which I thought was rather cool. Now there was this boy in my class. His name was Dylan. I never thought much of him at the start. I mean he was there and he was funny. He always seemed to complain about how his pants were too small, or how something else was too big- if you catch my drift. But he was away a lot and that annoyed me. So we lost contact for awhile. But he would pop up again into my world and save me from that sad spiral downward.

*fast forward back to the tree*
As usual we were off to sit at the tree to eat our lunch; I was being sarcastic as usual. Then this boy, the same Dylan boy as before popped up. Quiet literally out of nowhere. He was friends with Nez. At least that's how legend goes, other then that I am not too sure.

I thought he was rather quiet. But I still didn't think much of him. We talked a bit and that was okay. But I had added him on msn, and I think that's were we started talking.

So we moved away from the tree, I think we couldn't be bothered walking that far so we stayed closer to the main buildings. At the time I was sitting on Nez's lap, because I could. Dylan was spending more and more time with us. I started to like him. I didn't want to do anything about it and I didn't even want too admit it. I didn't want too get my heart hurt again.

But, in the end I decided to drop hints. I get stupid when I have a crush. But I decided to be cheeky and sit down on his lap one day. He didn't really expect it, and he didn't know what to do with himself.

So maybe after that my crush got a little bit bigger and a little more complicated.
I just didn't know how complicated that crush would get.
Would it turn into love?
♠ ♠ ♠
So that's the first chapter.
Let me know what you think, and let me know whether you want more.

xox iliveontightwadhill xox

p.s comment please XD