Sequel: Eternity
Status: 'Tis complete, peeps!

One Day at a Time

I'm feeling love sick

My mind was going in so many different directions; I wasn’t sure what I was thinking at that very moment. I was thinking so many things at once; it wasn’t until Jenn squatted down in front of me and smacked my face that I actually pulled out of the little trance I was in. I shook my head and placed my cool hand on my right cheek where she smacked me.

“Ouch,” I said, rubbing my face lightly. “All you had to do was say something.”

“I did, Miss. Lover Girl. You were totally swooning,” she giggled and pushed me lightly. As she stood back up, she held out her hand for me to grab and helped me up.

“What? I was not!”

“Oh, please Alexa. Your expression completely gives it away,” she led me into my apartment and sat me down on the couch, taking the bag of food from my hands. “What’s this?”

“That?” I watched her open the bag and search its contents. “Joe’s mom packed me some dinner. I kind of, like, passed out at their house.”

She stopped ruffling the plastic bag and I could feel her staring into the side of my face.

“You passed out?” She pushed the container of food away from herself. “Was the food that bad?”

“Jenn, no,” I looked over to her with an arched eyebrow.

“Oh, right. The hospital thing and the concussion,” she pointed to the back of her head. “By the way, how is your head? Did you hit it on the way down?”


“What? I’m curious. Did you?”

“Ugh. Yes. I’ve got another nice little bump on the back of my head near the other one I have,” I felt the bump and winced when it began to hurt. The ice was starting to melt pretty fast and I threw it into the sink to keep my poor head from getting brain freeze.

Jenn took a bite of whatever Denise had been serving for dinner; I honestly couldn’t remember what it was. She breathed in deeply ands started stuffing her face.

“Whoa, whoa! Hold on there a second,” I pulled the container away from her and stared at her with a crazy look in my eyes. “Denise made that for me. Can I at least try it?”

“Sorry,” she gulped and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. “So, anyway, how about a girl’s night? We haven’t had a good one in a while.”

“That’s because you don’t wanna count the last one,” I laughed. “We both know you barely remember that night.”

She shot an evil glare at me and I stuck my arms up in defense. “Sorry,” I stuck my lower lip out.

“Eh, I can’t really blame you,” she patted my shoulder. “You aren’t even in the right state of mind with that concussion. So, I forgive you, but only this once,” she pointed a long, skinny finger at me.

I let out a laugh and she did too. That gave me a feeling of relief when she laughed. I could tell she had a rough day with her family. To be quite honest, I didn’t really want to know what happened, but I know she would tell me anyone. But what surprised me most was that she didn’t bring it up. Instead, she decided to do some interrogation on me.

“So,” she started as she walked back to the living room after fixing herself a plate of the dinner Denise had left me. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing, really. I mean, I’m a little dizzy and…”

“I meant with Joe,” she interrupted me.

“Joe?” I asked. “What about him?”

“Well,” she took a bite. It was chicken and rice; a favorite of mine. “You do sort of look like you’re sick. But it’s more of a love sickness than any other regular sickness, don’t you think?”

I can’t exactly remember, but I was pretty sure my heart skipped a beat or two. Love sick? Oh, the crazy mind of Jenn. Or maybe I was the crazy one. Crazy in love, perhaps?

“Ha!” I threw my head back and then quickly regretted it when a sharp pain went through my head. “Ouch! Uh, I mean, love sick? I don’t think so. I have a boyfriend, Jenn.” A boyfriend who likes to beat me up I thought to myself.

Jenn looked me square in the eyes and I stared back, trying to prove that I was right and that she was wrong. Too bad I never won a staring contest with her. It only took about twenty seconds for my eyes to give up on me.

“A ha!” She pointed to me as I rubbed my eyes. “That proves it.”

“No way! Not fair. My eyes were starting to burn,” I said to defend my feelings toward Joe.

“Alexa, you are the worst liar in the entire world. You can’t even look me in the eye when you say that. You’re totally lying.”

She was right, but I’m too stubborn to give in to her being right. I hate the fact that she’s studying law, too. She reminds me of my mom; always really good at getting the truth out of me no matter how good of a lie I would tell. My mom always saw past it. Jenn continued to look at me, trying to find the answer she was looking for.

“Jenn, I have a boyfriend,” I finally said.

“Ugh, for Christ’s sakes Alexa, give up!” She threw her hands in the air and waited for me to say something with an impatient look on her face. My eyes wondered around the room, supposedly giving her the answer she had been searching for. “Ah, so it is true.”

I’m sure my face went flush when she sort of busted my bubble. As much as I could not admit my defeat, still wouldn’t say anything. She was right, though. There was something about Joe that made my heart beat a little faster, my face turn red, and my hands sweaty and clammy. What was it about him that made me feel that way? And what about Erik? I like being with him, but I’m now scared of him.
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I'm actually just rambling now. Ideas, anyone? :D