Sequel: Eternity
Status: 'Tis complete, peeps!

One Day at a Time

I'm sorry

I looked as if someone had just punched me in the face; not that it would surprise anyone if that had happened. But my eyes were red and puffy from crying into Jenn’s shoulder for almost two hours. She never let go. That’s what friends are for.

“Aren’t you dehydrated yet?” Jenn asked as she ran her fingers through my hair, trying to calm me down. She laughed at her own joke; I didn’t respond and I could feel her body shrug. “Sorry. Just wanted to try and cheer you up.”

“Its fine,” I whispered and kept my face down as I pulled back from her shoulder.

“Feel better now? Or do you feel like killing your mother or something?”

“Both,” I replied and stood up from the floor to go into the bathroom. I couldn’t believe how blotchy and red my face was; absolutely terrible.

Jenn followed me to the bathroom and leaned in the doorway with her arms crossed.

“I can’t believe your mother had the nerve to do that to you,” she said.

“I know,” I agreed and then walked into my room to sit on my bed. She sat down next to me.

“Well, I think we need to get out of here and have another girl’s night out. You look like you could definitely use one right now.”

“I don’t think so. I’m too much of a mess to do anything.”

“Come on,” she begged with her eyes. “I need to get out and do something. Let’s at least go out to eat. I’m up for some food. My tummy’s been growling for the past two hours that I’ve been here.”

I placed my hand over my tummy and could actually feel it growling, too. After thinking for a moment, I finally got up and started to get dressed.

“I’m hungry, too, so let’s go,” I said as I pulled on my black pea coat.

Jenn quickly got up from my bed and dashed into the living room to find her bag and slipped her shoes back on and her coat. We were out of my apartment in five minutes and down in Jenn’s car.

“So, where to? I have a feeling you’re gonna want to stuff your face after a crappy day like today,” Jenn started out on the main street in front of my apartment building. “How about that restaurant we usually go to between classes? I’m in the mood for a good cheeseburger.”

“Mmm, I love their cheeseburgers. Sold.”

She laughed and we were on our way to the little restaurant near our school; the Colonial Diner. It was a place that I practically grew up in. They seated us as soon as we got in and set down two glasses of orange soda in front of us.

“Damn, we come here way too often,” Jenn said and took a sip of her soda.

“Yeah, we definitely do,” I chuckled.

A smile stayed on my face until I looked up from the menu. Jenn did a double take when she noticed my frown.

“What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned, and turned around to see what I was looking at. She turned back around with her mouth wide open. “You’ve seriously got to be kidding me. Is that who I think it is?”

I nodded my head as I stared at Joe with his arm linked with a girls arm. It felt like my blood pressure shot up and I could feel my face getting red as I watched them sit down in a booth a few tables away from us. He seemed to have caught my eye before I was able to look back down at my menu and whispered something to the girl before walking towards us. I quickly pulled out a ten dollar bill from my wallet and threw it on the table.

“Let’s go,” I stood up from the table. Joe was standing in front of me before we could begin walking to the door.

“Alexa,” he said with a slight grin.

“Joe,” I stated firmly and continued my way to the door; Jenn leading the way. I felt Joe grab my arm and I turned around with one eyebrow raised. “Yes?”

“Not even gonna allow me to say hello or anything?”

I sighed and stared into his brown eyes. They looked apologetic.

“And I wanted you to meet somebody,” he pulled me towards the girl he came with.

“Oh, you’re girlfriend?”

“Hah! No!” He made a face.

We walked over to the table where the girl was sitting. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail, the slight curls at the bottom lying lightly on her back. She looked up at me with her grey/blue eyes; her smile as stunning as Joe’s. Before I could say anything, she stood up and greeted.

“You must be Alexa,” she said quickly with her smile gleaming.

“Yeah, that’s me,” I nodded my head.

“Alexa, this is my cousin, Veronica.”

Cousin? Not his girlfriend?

“That’s not your girlfriend?” I asked, feeling a little awkward for assuming that they were dating.

“No way,” Veronica spoke up. I smothered a laugh. “Even if he wasn’t my cousin; ew.”

I could hear Jenn covering a laugh from behind me. Joe’s face turned slightly red and pulled me aside real quick.

“I wanted to apologize,” he spoke quietly so Jenn and Veronica couldn’t hear him. The two were making conversation.


“For that one night. I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s fine,” I interrupted him. “Really.”

“Can I make it up to you? Tomorrow night, maybe?” He insisted. Another date with Joe Jonas? Could I go through with it again?

“I’ll think about it,” I replied, knowing that my answer would most likely be yes. He seemed disappointed and I turned back to Jenn to leave. “Veronica, good luck with your cousin.”

“Thanks,” she laughed and leaned in towards me. “I could use all the luck I can get.”

I laughed and waved to her and threw a devilish-looking glance at Joe.

“Cousin, huh?” Jenn jerked her head back in the restaurant.


She nudged me and I knew what she meant by it before she said something.

“Girl, you still got a good chance.”

Good point.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow I don't really dig this chapter. More to come...more better stuff to come because it's late and not many good ideas were flowing while I was writing. Comments? One new character, and one more to come. Enjoy :]
P.S... I keep spelling the Alexa's name as Alexis. If you see that anywhere, let me know please? Thanks!