Pink Apartment

speller pages


"Sit!" Stan greeted me bossily. I bit back a mean remark I had coming up about, hm, I don't know, how his shirt needed desperate ironing or how his face was all wrong, or how his very existence made my skin crawl with nerves; and walked behind my desk. Carefully eying the growing stack of folders.

"What are these?" I yelled to Stan, who was now heading to the exit of the office. He shook his arm uncaring as if saying he didn't care and went right out. I growled lowly, and sat down on that chair like a rhino would. I opened the folders hurriedly, looking at their tags.

Bills, Bills, Threat Mails, Bills, and, ooh! There it was. The quarterly report. I anxiously opened mine, peaking over my shoulder to see if anyone was headed this way. Technically, I wasn't allowed to see it until everyone got theirs, but kill me. I was impatient. I picked through the papers, until I saw my name written in small, bold letters.

Let's see. Remy. Young girl with talent and ambition, she is not just another team player, she is useful for this office and thus company, - bla bla bla - but lacks communication skills, and for this reason she will not be promoted or receive a prize in money. Also, I recommend some kind of group therapy for the entire department because communication and friendship is missing at an alarming level.

"What?" I snapped. "how dare that sad little man release another bad report? I'm communicating very well,thank you. I didn't even say a thing about working with Stan! Ooh, that small, midget is going down. I can't believe he didn't see me chug all those coffees while working desperately!" I whispered madly, and put my paper back into the folder. I debated standing up for myself and just letting this one go, again, and I chose the first one. I sat up and straightened my skirt, feeling glad that I chose high heels today. Mr. Dunn will see who's boss.

"Mr. Dunn, excuse me, do you have a moment?" I asked, knocking determinedly on the wooden door. I stood in silence for the next minute, before I knocked again.

"What?" He yelled and I bit my lip and gave him the imaginary finger.

"I said, do you have a moment?" I repeated myself, letting my frustration seep through. At this point, if I couldn't get any kind of respect around here, I'd rather quit and go on with my life. Who cares about having your dream job if a shitty boss comes with the package? I didn't order Mr. Dunn. UPS forged that signature.

"Come in. I don't have all day." He sorely replied and I obliged and went in. Looking at him with my most professional expression. I fought against my natural instincts and approached his desk. I didn't even wait for him to acknowledged my presence.

"Mr. Dunn, I have read my quarterly report and there were some things that bothered me. I do not understand why I lack "communication skills" or why the whole department should go to therapy. With all due respect, we all work hard around here, and if that wasn't the case a week ago, it certainly is now. Also, I'd like to know the real reason why I've been assigned to work with Stan." I rambled and he looked at me, shocked of my manner of presenting the situation.

"Remy, that is your report and if you're not mature enough to handle the situation, than I recommend you grow up and get used to the fact that not all things around here run as you please." Mr. Dunn started.

"Excuse me, sir," I interrupted. " but I understand how things run around here. I've been getting reports like this since I was hired, and you didn't even know me well enough then."

"Well then, you should understand where I stand. Gershwin specifically pointed you out and told me all this." He explained and felt like taking his raisin-sized head and knocking it against the table repeatedly, and then writing on his forehead, in big bold letters 'PIG'.

"How would Mr. Gershwin know my behavior? He is the president. He doesn't have time for small employees like me." I reasoned and Mr. Dunn, stepped away from his desk, clicking on something on his laptop.

"Because Stan is his nephew, that's why." With that, I was kindly asked to leave. Well, as kindly as starting to abruptly ignore someone can be. I stormed out of the office, seeing only red in front of me. I think I heard the door slam behind me, but couldn't care less. I glared viciously at all the people who peaked at what was happening, and they went back to their business in less than a second. I already had a plan.

I was going to find that little lying, good for nothing worm and squash him like the bug he was! And man, oh man, was I going to enjoy hearing his bloody screams. I waited for him at my desk, and I smiled when I saw him there.

"So, Stan." I asked, taking a seat next to him, blocking the exit. "how's Gershwin as a grandfather?"

His head snapped up, and his glasses almost fell. I grinned at him evilly, and he started sweating lightly when he saw the blocked exit.

"You little worm! Thought you could make me your slave, and lie to me and that nothing would happen?! I'm gonna kill you! Kill you, you hear me?" I whisper-yelled and grabbed his neck. I shook it and squeezed it, ignoring the choking sounds he made. Personally, I enjoyed the moment his eyes started watering. Stan McKeena my ass.

"Wait! Wait! I can explain!" He begged as best he could, and I stopped for a moment, looking at him with blazing eyes.

"You've got five seconds. After, I'll kill you."

"I got mad, okay? Plus, you always seemed like a stuck up, not talking to me. And then your boyfriend came here and 'talked' to me. He told me that if I wouldn't stop hurdling you, and treating you like a slave, he'd come back and personally shove his fist down my throat." He adjusted his shirt and I smiled, proud of Rupert. "I don't respond well to threats. I'm not a violent man."

"You're not a man, period. Why would you take it out all on me? It's only your fault and I'm not going to apologize on behalf of Rupert. Oh, and you know what, next time your grandfather messes with me, tell him he can stick this job in his ancient ass." I finished, and dramatically got up from my seat and exited the building, relishing in Stan's appalled face and the things I could do with the new found information.
♠ ♠ ♠
i am so, so sorry it took so long to update,
i honestly felt like pink was a dead end.

i'm glad i got out of the situation,
love, lynn