Pink Apartment



I walked out of my office. Nighttime set in and I was actually looking forward to two days of silence and loneliness. Well, actually not loneliness. More like alone time. A time when I am alone, Rupert cannot make my nightmares come true and Carmen can certainly not tell me about the way she would have liked to wrap Rupert in foil and leave only two holes. You know for what. Ew.

She actually told me that was from a movie and she thought that the "dude" who said it was, and I quote, "a pure genius in the art of perversity". Art is painting to me. Or music, theater or even writing. Sex is.. Sex. It starts and it ends there. How much time has passed since a man told himself he made love to his wife instead of fuck her? I know it's an ugly thing to say, but still.

I clutched my bag closer and I temporarily regretted my choice of attire. For the second time that day. I made sure to close all the computers and double check for any documents left on the table. So far I had none.

"Rupert!" I called after the guy who acted like a child. I paced around the hallway for a few minutes before I actually started to worry.

Who knows what kind of trouble he's in now?

While I was searching for Rupert, I remembered the conversation I had with Carmen. Something about that made me open my eyes a little bit. Like a small child seeing the sun for the first time. Cautiously but ever so gratefully I thought over the possibilities. Of what could happen. And I had to admit, Rupert was quite the looker. I mentally thanked myself for choosing the young version of the drawing, instead of making him "look" like Anthony Hopkins. Though he is great too. But a bit old.

"Rupert?" I tried again almost fearfully. I comforted myself with mental pictures of me and Rupert laughing, holding hands, kissing.. Basically just the cute part of being in a couple. Physicality could wait till later. I just wanted a buddy. A real boyfriend. Though it was a bit premature to think about this.

"Ru-upes?" I whispered in full panic. The lights had just been switched off and only the sounds of my heels could be heard on the lonely marbles of the hallway.

Click click click click.

A thumping noise was heard and I turned around slowly. I squinted my eyes into the darkness and when I concluded that nothing was there, I started walking once again.


This time the noise had been more clear, more distinct. I braced myself and I looked into what was the Design Room. Hey, even a magazine has one of those. I put my tiny, trembling hand onto the corner of the wall, and I slowly pushed my head forwards, until I could see what was going on well enough. Who was doing what.

Actually, who was doing who.

On the desk was Carmen. I don't know how they let her here. On the desk, pinned to it, was a man. His jeans were slightly familiar but how many guys don't wear jeans? I pushed the thought away and I blushed slightly at seeing how much they were into it. She almost ripped his sweatshirt off and he took off her shirt. They frantically threw themselves on the floor and I decided to step in. I was responsible for whatever happened in the building when Mr. Dunn was off. He made that loud and clear.

I quietly made my way to the glass doors, and I opened them shyly. I cleared my voice but they still kept going. It was almost impossible to distinguish who the guy was.

"Um, guys?" I tried. Big surprise there, they still kept going. I was starting to get a little bit pissed off. This wasn't where people can share their sexual fantasies. Few people actually had the guts to do it.

I bet Rupert would do it..

I shook my head as to rid myself of those thoughts and I cleared my voice louder. This time, they knocked down a laptop. I went into office mode.

"Guys." I yelled. "There is a time and place for this but not here. Now put your clothes back on and make sure you don't get Syphilis, okay?" The guy grunted, almost giving up but they took the risky option: to ignore me.

"Carmen I know you're in there. Now put your clothes back on and go home. Or at least somewhere I don't have jurisdiction over." I said and surprisingly, she listened to me. She flashed me a cocky but content smile and I couldn't help but raise my eyebrows suspiciously.

She walked out of the office, blowing a kiss at the guy. She winked at me, throwing her scarf on hastily and I was left to deal with the guy. A pretty bad option for someone in my position.
He hopped off the desk and casually set his jeans and upper garment into place. The city lights did not show his face, the darkness hid it very well.

"So, uh- Just walk out of there and we'll never say anything about this. Now c'mon." I encouraged with a wave of my hands. I smiled a tight and nervous smile and he walked out.In moments of danger and happiness I was thinking about Rupert. Again premature.

As soon as he walked out of the office I darted into the opposite direction and pushed the elevator button for 30 times. I prayed he wouldn't catch me.'Loser of the month'would be my new nickname if he catches me.

Thomp, thomp thomp

I slightly jumped up and down but he caught up with me. I got into the elevator and when the damn doors opened, one voice broke all my train of thoughts.

"Which way?" He asked boredly. My head shot up.

"Rupert?" I squeaked. He nodded his head and grinned excitedly. "That was you in there?"

He simply nodded his head and smiled. Pretty funny how a smile can wreck a whole day. I formed my lips into a line and I nodded my head seriously.

"Down." I said with a tired voice and I now realized that all the things I wanted had been erased. I just wanted one thing: to be alone. With no Rupert and no Carmen to worry about. But then again you wouldn't live if you had a nice job, nice friends and the guy you asked for right?

♠ ♠ ♠
"Is this worth fighting for? You're worth fighting for. As I faced the crowd and take a bow."
-The Blackout

i'm really starting to get hooked on this story.
usually when i start feeling guilty
about not updating it's a good sign.
or just pure conscience.

anywho, i exclusively dedicate this chapter to
Impending Monster for being such a cool
guy and for commenting every time.
Dude, you rock! And my subscribers
and readers rock too.

love, lynn.