Status: Done

Unholy Confessions.

You Guys Are Starting To Stink

Cody POV

I was still feeling a little bad about sticking my foot in my mouth yesterday; I just thought that Brian knew about what happened with Jackie and Max. But I thought wrong again; I just hope I didn’t cause trouble for them. I woke up earlier then normal this morning; I’m normally one of the last ones to wake up. But I guess all the worrying about Jackie and Brian caused me to toss and turn all night; I felt so sorry for Zacky having to sleep in the same small bunk.

I had changed my clothes, brushed my hair and teeth, and did my makeup before walking into the front of the bus. I smiled as I saw Val, Matt and Johnny sitting at the booth talking and eating some cereal; I sat next to Johnny who poured me a bowl of cereal too. After I thanked him I started to eat slowly; it was long until Zacky walked into the front of the bus as well.

I shifted my body so Zacky could slide under me; he wrapped his arms around my waist as I sat on his lap. I blushed when I felt his lips pressed against the back of my neck; I quickly poured some more milk and cereal into my bowl for Zacky.

“So does anyone know when we’re going to start driving again?” I asked looking around at Val, Matt and Johnny; Zacky was busy eating so I knew he wasn’t going to answer me.

“I think we’re going to head out later this afternoon; so for most of the day we’re stuck here” Val told me smiling; I didn’t know how she could still be happy and cheerful after watching Jackie beat up her sister.

“Ok great because I was thinking I would do all the laundry before we head to the next city; I hate to say this but you guys are starting to stink” I giggled the last part as I watched the pretend shock and hurt cover Matt and Johnny’s faces; but everyone laughed when Zacky mumbled about feeling so loved.

I kissed Zacky’s lips before I wiggled out of his grip; I smiled as I walked into the bunk area. I tip toed as quietly as I could so I didn’t wake Cass, Jimmy, Brian or Jackie; I placed everyone’s dirty clothes into a garbage bag. Once I was sure I had gotten all the dirty clothes I grabbed my iPod, phone and my purse; as I walked back through the front room Zacky and Val offered to come with me, but I told them to stay and they actually listened to me.

I walked over to the closest laundry mat which was just down the road from where the bus was still parked in the venues car lot; I was listening to my iPod as I walked out the semi crowed walkway. As I walked into the little laundry mat I smiled as the place was empty apart from an older lady; we smiled and greeted each other as I set the garbage bag down.

I spilt all the clothes into darks and whites; I loaded up two washing machines, put some soap into them and pressed the on button. I continued to listen to my iPod as I read through a gossip magazine while I waited for all the clothes to finish washing. It took around about half an hour for my washing to finish; I pulled out all the dark clothes and threw them into the dryer first, I did the same with the whites. Once the clothes were dry I would then iron and fold everything nicely; but right now I all I could do was listen to my music and read magazines.

Zacky POV

I watched as Cody walked off the bus carrying a nearly full garbage bag; I knew I should have gone with her but she told me and Val not too so we actually listened to her for once. I was sitting on the couch in the front of the bus watching TV with Johnny; that’s when Brian, Jackie, Jimmy and Cassie finally woke up and decided to join us.

“Where’s Cody?” Jackie asked as she stretched her arms above her head; Cass looked over to me as her hand covered her mouth when a yawn escaped.

“She went to get all the laundry done” I told them making them nod their heads; the four of them got themselves some breakfast which they eat quickly. I noticed Cassie skip out of the room only to return a few seconds later; but now she was carrying Cody’s laptop. I frowned slightly knowing that Cody liked to be asked before you use her things; I know that first hand. I used her eyeliner one night because I couldn’t find mine and we had to be on the stage; she caught me and yelled at me.

“Don’t you think you should ask Cody before using her laptop?” I asked Jackie and Cody who were now waiting for the laptop to load; I just didn’t want Cody to get upset. I hate seeing her upset; it hurts me when she gets hurt.

“She’ll be fine with us using it; we’ve done it before besides both our laptops are getting recharged” Cass told me smiling; both her and Jackie looked so sure that Cody wouldn’t mind. Maybe they were right; I mean they have known Cody for a long time and they know her.

I decided to keep my mouth shut; I figured that Jackie and Cass were Cody’s best friends, so they knew her well enough to know if it would upset her or not. Everyone but Jackie and Cass were now watching Johnny and Jimmy play a car racing game on our Xbox; Johnny was winning so far because Jimmy kept running into things.

But everyone’s attention was captured by Jackie’s loud gasp and Cassie’s ‘Fucking hell’; all heads were now turned to see both girl’s eyes were wide and their jaw’s had dropped.

“What’s wrong babe?” Brian asked Jackie was we were all confused as to what caused their reaction; I noticed that both Jackie and Cassie were actually a little bit paler then normal too.

“How could she not tell us about this? Why would Cody kept this a secret?” Cass mumbled quietly either to herself or to Jackie; I was thinking it was both.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong with Cody?” I asked firmly as I walked over to the booth; I was starting to get a bad feeling in my stomach again. A feel I always got when I worried about Cody.

I felt my eyes widen and my jaw dropped as I turned the laptop to face me; I now know why the girls were so shocked before. Displayed on the laptop screen was a document; a document that I never thought I would see on Cody’s laptop. It both shocked and surprised me; no wonder Cody was so closed off to people she didn’t know.

“What’s going on?” Val asked firmly as everyone stood behind me; I knew they wanted to know but I wasn’t sure if we should tell them what we have found. If Cody haven’t told anyone about this then she doesn’t want people knowing about it.

“We found a document of Cody’s laptop; it’s filled out with all of her information but it’s from an orphanage” Cass said; her voice was quiet and uneven. Something we don’t hear a lot from her; which meant that she was just as astonished as I was.

“It says that Cody’s mother died during child birth and that her father left the hospital but he never returned; after a week of staying at the hospital the nurses didn’t know what to do so they gave Cody to an orphanage” Jackie read off the screen; I couldn’t believe that Cody has lived in an orphanage most of her life.

“How could a father live his new born baby daughter like that?” Brian whispered as shock fell upon everyone; how could Cody kept something like this hidden?

“I have no idea but that’s not the worst of it; it says that Cody has lived in 12 foster homes through her 18 years of being at the orphanage” Cass told everyone; why would Cody be sent to 12 different foster homes and always return to the orphanage? She wasn’t a bad person, she didn’t rebel against people, why didn’t anyone want to keep her?

“What are you going?” No body heard Cody enter the bus until she yelled at us; everyone turned around to face her. She had already seen what was up on her laptop screen; the garbage bag was lying on the floor causing some clothes to fall out.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t find my voice when I saw the tears fall down Cody’s cheeks; the next thing I knew she wasn’t on the bus anymore, she ran off the bus. But the look of hurt on her beautiful face was going to saw with everyone for a while; we have betrayed her and we broke her heart. I just hope she can forgive us all.
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Oh yeah we finally find out a bit about Cody's past!!!

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