Because We Are Mutants


It had been a while since the professor had left. Benjamin, otherwise known as Shatterstar, sat on the couch watching the news. There was a terrible weather change happening in Mexico and he was worried about the people he loved, living there. Like Rictor, who had just left to go back there. Ben drank from his soda can and stared with terror in his eyes.

“What are you watching?” Remy asked as he grabbed himself an apple from the fruit basket and placed himself besides Ben. Ben pointed at the screen as if it explained it all. “Some weird changes in the weather have been occurring over in Mexico, and I’m worried,” he sighed. He than turned his head to face his boyfriend and presses a small kiss on his lips. “How are you?” he asked. Remy was chewing his apple while he spoke the words, I’m fine. Ben shook his head and smiled, sometimes he wondered what he would have done if Remy didn’t catch him after Pete broke his heart. Remy reached for the remote and changed channels. “See, car chasing car, way better for you health,” he smiled.

While the two male mutants where watching television downstairs, Ororo Monroe, otherwise known as Storm, was upstairs. She just took a shower and was now drying her wet hair. Most of the woman around the mansion where carrying a child, as was Storm. She just got back from the hospital for a sonogram and found out that she and Wade where having twins. While wearing a fluffy white bathrobe, she walked from the bathroom to the room she shared with Wade. She unwrapped the towel and revealed her shining white hair. While seated in front of a mirror she looked at her own reflection, imagining how she would look in nine months. With that thought a big smile appeared on her face, as she knew she would barley be able to walk.

Outside Jubilee was sitting on the edge of the pool, her feet twirling in the water. She to was with child, and she missed Bobby who was the father. He had to go on a mission and he was gone for quite a while already. She rubber her sticking out belly, she was already in six months and the baby had the urge to kick a lot. “You mind if I join you?” a female voice asked. Jubilee looked over her shoulder and spotted Kayla walking up to her. “No, please, I could use the company,” she said with a slightly sad smile on her face. Kayla pulled up the pipes of her jeans and stuck her bare feet into the water. “You miss him, don’t you?” she asked the small girl. She was young, pregnant and without boyfriend at the moment, Kayla understood why she was sad. “Yes, I do. But they say that distance makes the heart grow fonder.” A small smile appeared on Jubilee’s face as she looked down at the water. “That is what they say,” Kayla reassured. Kayla herself had experienced some serious setbacks when it comes to relationships.

First of all Logan was gone for such a long while, that whenever he came back he was tired and never paid any attention to her. She missed the way he was before he want on all those missions. Kayla was also one that would love to have children, however, seeing Logan never really took notice of her after his missions Kayla gave up on that idea, but she couldn’t shake the jealousy and envy she had for everyone around her that was. However, she kept those thoughts to herself and tried to be there for everyone that needed her. “Kayla,” Jubilee’s voice sounded. “Mmm?” Kayla sounded when she looked over at Jubilee. “How’d you do this when Logan was away all of the time?” Kayla smiled and told her that the thought of his arms around her kept her going.

“Fucking, shit,” a voice sounded through out the house. “Damn, fucking, bullshit.” The swearing continued. A younger male mutant was painting a small room, in a nice bright blue colour. However, it seemed that he saw himself as the interior as well, as his entire face was covered in blue paint. “What happened?” A smaller, mutant girl asked. “Fucking thing fell on my head,” the guy yelled as he grabbed a white bucket that was slightly covered in the same blue paint as the colour on his head. “John,” she giggled. “Calm down.” John looked up at his fiancée, the one he loved though everything and smiled. “I’m calm, really,” he said while he pressed a blue kiss on her forehead. The girl rose an eyebrow and looked at him. “Kitty, would I lie to you,” he smiled. Kitty bit her lower lip and smiled. “No, you would never,” she giggled. “Now, go and take a shower!” John jumped to his feet and walked over to the bathroom.

“God, you scared me,” Storm slightly yelled as she pressed her hands on her chest. Wade walked up to her with a smile on his face and pressed a kiss on her lips. “Yes, I’ve still got it,” he grinned. He wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and smiled down at her. “How was your mission,” Storm asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “You know, same old, same old,” Wade explained. Storm looked down at her belly that was already showing slightly. “I hope you will be around more,” she said hesitant. Wade smiled and kissed her again. “You know I will be, these are our babies,” he said while he pressed his hand against her stomach.

While walking over towards the bathroom some of the paint got into John’s eye. “Fucking, shit,” he called out. He rushed now, bumping into Logan and leaving blue marks all over him. “Sorry, whoever,” he said as he turned into the bathroom, closed the door and locked it behind him. “No worries,” Logan said as he looked down at his shirt. He walked down the steps and looked outside, to see Kayla talking to Jubilee. He wondered how he could ever make it right, he knew he screwed up with her. He decided not to bother her with his sorry and forgive me’s. He placed himself into a chair, and focused on the television. “Wow, Logan, you look like someone just kicked you in the nuts,” Remy blurted out. “Do you ever think, LeBeau?” Logan snapped back. He got up on his feet and walked towards the garage. “What did I do?” Remy asked Ben. “It’s always me,” he whined a bit but Ben smiled. “And I like you for it.”

Kitty found herself down a flight of stairs, holding a tray of food. Pete, otherwise known as colossus, was locked up down stairs. Something took control of him and he rapped Benjamin, now everyone was scared of him, but he had to eat. Kitty opened the little door into his cell and shoved the food tray in. “I made your favourite sandwich,” she said with a smile on her face. She could hear Pete crying, and how much she wanted to rush in there and hold the big guy she didn’t. She turned back to the stairs and walked up them, or wobbled up them. She was 8 months and she was big. She hated feeling this way, but John made her feel more at ease with her size. While she walked into the main hall she heard some bags drop to the floor. She looked up and noticed Rogue standing there. “I’m back,” Rogue said with a smile.

John was in the bathroom, he stood in the shower washing his hair. “Fucking blue paint,” he said as he put yet more shampoo in his hair. He had removed the paint from his eyes but the rest was already drying up and stuck to his hair and shoulders. All of a sudden a heat wave came over him, than a cold one and he heard a voice inside his head. He slipped and fell flat on his back. “What the hell,” he called out loudly. But before he knew it, his eyes turned back and he lost cautiousness.
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Not completely based on the RP but we are following the guidlines.
Enjoy, enjoy.

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