The Vampire With The Pink Handbag

The eye of the tiger

The eye of the tiger

When Oriole got to school the next day, he felt very panicky about what happened the prior night. He wondered how Joshua would act towards him. He didn't want to be ignored, that would hurt, and he was not willing to be anyone's secret romance. He was wearing dark jeans that pooled in cuffs over his white sneakers. The collar of his sky blue polo shirt was flipped up and he wore a chain with a skull symbol his neck. His hair was pulled back into a pony tail, making his face look sharp and smooth.

His fears were confirmed when Joshua and his friends walked right by him like he didn't exist. Without even a look or glance his way. It was mind-boggling and made him feel indignant and wounded. Oriole felt someone grab his shoulder. It was Pear.

"So, you ready for day two? Can you handle that?"

"Yes, I'm ready for this school," he replied.

"You look cute today, Oriole."

"Thanks. Where is Jamie?" he asked.

"Well, when she woke up she felt it was a bad energy day. She doesn't come to school on those days," Pear said.

"That is the silliest thing I ever heard! Why does she do things like that?"

"It's complicated. You will understand her more as you get to know her," Pear said.

"Well, at lunch today its secret sharing gossip time."

"Cool, but with you, I get the feeling it's always gossip time," she said, smiling.

"Why is that?"

"You're kind of feminine, you know, and girls gossip."

"I guess," he said quietly.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I don't know. I guess the way you vampires think."

"You vampires? You're a vampire too, Oriole. And how do we think?"

"I can't explain it. It's like, any little thing can mean that someone is gay, or not tough enough. Like being timid means you're gay, or wanting to gossip means that I'm being a girl. So much stereotyping and judgment. It just annoys me."

"Humans think like that too," Pear countered, defensively.

"Yeah, but sort of not as extreme, or whatever. I can't describe what I mean correctly. Just forget it."

"Look, I'm sorry I made you feel like that. I like you a lot and want to be good friends," Pear said sincerely.

"I feel the same," Oriole replied They walked holding hands.

The day went quickly. He was ignored by Joshua all day. It was like Josh didn't notice him at all. Oriole stood at the lunch counter for a long time. He was extremely picky and did not know which blood type he wanted at the moment. There were humans standing in a line labeled 'Fresh Blood,' sort of like they were a human vending machine. They were each wearing a tag around their wrist labeled with their blood type, age and ethnicity, as well as what they charged to allow vampires to drink from them. Next to the humans was a station similar to a fountain soda dispenser, where blood was available for a much more affordable price. Oriole suddenly felt someone leaning next to him.

"So what's the deal with you and Pear holding hands? You're a fag, right?" Rayon the 4th asked.

"Well, actually I am bisexual, I think. I don't know what I am?" Oriole said, placing his cup under the dispenser. He pressed the button labeled 'Mexican Female.'

"I always get mine fresh. I can't stand the fountain stuff - is it heated properly?" Rayon asked.

"Yes, it comes out at a perfect temperature. It's just as good."

"Why don't you just have it fresh? Is it a money issue?"

"No, I never drink it fresh anymore."

"Why not?"

"It's a habit I started when I went to school with them. I found that drinking blood fresh made it harder for me to control myself when I was around humans. Drinking from a human who isn't soliciting can get you arrested. Once I got used to the cup, I stuck with it. It was a way of disciplining myself."

"Well, you're not in an all human school anymore. Drink like a man."

"No thanks for now."

"You're gay. You don't look bi or act it. Quit messing around with me."

"Well, there are some chicks who I do find myself drawn to - it's rare, but it happens. But for the most part, I'm just not attracted to woman," Oriole said.

"You sound so confused about who you are and what you want. Look, is she freaking you or not?"

"No. We're friends, but your mouth is very foul, Rayon. I like it."

"Stop flirting, I'm straight. I know a lot of guy vamps swing both ways, but not me," Rayon retorted.

"They do?" Oriole questioned.

"Well, I think so. There is an undercover gay scene here that only dudes know about," Rayon said, moving a little closer. Oriole felt like he was letting him in on something by telling him this information, even though he said it in a nonchalant way.

"I don't participate. It just doesn't appeal to me," Rayon declared quickly.

"So who does?" Oriole asked.

"I'm asking the questions here, little girl," Rayon growled.

"Okay fine, but just to let you know, Pear is a rock star."

"I know that, but even if I liked her, she sleeps around, so it would look bad for me to make her my girl."

"So you care what others think?" Oriole whipped back.

"Everyone does - even you," Rayon accused as he walked away.

Oriole watched Rayon saunter off. It took a minute for Oriole to put together his longing for Rayon with the butterflies in his stomach whenever he was near. He had a crush on Rayon. A big one. Unfortunately no one could know about it and that was heart wrenching for him. Oriole walked towards Pear slowly and he sat in front of her. They were the only ones at their small table

"So, what was Rayon talking to you about?" she asked.

"You. He was trying to see if me and you were a thing."

"Quit it! He doesn't care at all."

"He does care, Pear. That's why he asked me about us."

"Whatever, he just wants to continue screwing me because I'm a good lay."

"Let's test it. I see him peaking over here at you," Oriole said. "Let's make out like we're a couple, it'll be fun."

Oriole wanted to kiss her because he did have a slight crush on Pear, but also, he knew that with Joshua sitting right next to Rayon, he would definitely notice. It seemed Rayon noticed anything Pear did and he would use that to annoy him. Oriole was desperate for attention, and when he didn't get it, he acted out.

"You sure about that? Because I don't think he would care."

Oriole grabbed her face and kissed her passionately, running his fingers through her hair and stroking her face - basically mimicking what Joshua did to him. He found that he liked kissing her and it was fun, but there wasn't any infatuation involved. Pear kissed back. She was wild and kissed just as fervently as he did. It turned Oriole on and he could see why Rayon was into her. Just then, she bit into his neck, right next to the place Josh had marked the night before. Oriole was astounded. What was with the biting when ever passion was involved, he wondered.

Suddenly they heard cheering. Apparently they had put on a major show and everyone was watching. They laughed and took a bow. Oriole didn't even look over at the trio; he wanted to seem like he didn't care. He could not understand his own behavior - he disliked Josh, yet wanted to bother him because he was upset Josh was ignoring him. He wondered why he even cared that he was being ignored by someone he considered a downright jerk. He also wanted to irritate Rayon, which he didn't understand his own reasoning for either.

They ran outside and up to the bleachers, gushing about their kiss. Neither one participated in the athletics going on around the field below. Oriole felt something hard hit his face. It was a football. He looked up to see the trio standing there, but he didn't know which one threw it. Then as the ball fell, Josh retrieved it and threw it at him again. Well, at least he could finger the culprit.

"Stop it!!" Pear screamed angrily.

"Forget you, slut," Joshua growled, walking towards her.

"You better back up, you big freak," she said, fretfully.

Joshua was quick, and within seconds he was in front of her. He grabbed Pear and tossed her off the bleachers easily, like she was weightless. Just like that, she was in the air. Though the fall would have been huge, Rayon caught her and placed her down gently.

"Don't worry. No one's going to hurt a chick," Joshua said to her, then turned his attention to Oriole. "But you, I could beat to a pulp." He glared directly into Oriole's eyes.

"No, leave him alone! I don't understand you guys," Pear shouted from the field below, where Rayon set her down.

"He is a man. He should defend himself." Rayon called.

"That is no fair fight." she said, running back up the bleachers.

Oriole grabbed her hand and they zoomed off faster than he had ever run before. They were almost back inside, but Joshua was relentless and he caught up rapidly. He grabbed them both and tossed them backwards, spilling them onto the ground. Oriole felt frightened. He wished he was a girl so he didn't have to take the whopping that he feared he was about to get.

Rayon ran over and helped Pear up, but kicked Oriole back down angrily. Oriole regretted kissing Pear. He knew that Rayon was soft on her; he just didn't think it would back fire like this. He felt himself crawling away. Josh laughed and the trio began to cornered him when Pear jumped in front.

"You got to beat me to get to him, guys. I will not stop defending him," said Pear, standing tall over Oriole.

"What, you like this guy?" Rayon said, laughing, with a hint of envy in his voice.

"He is my friend. Just leave him alone," she pleaded. "Rayon, I thought better of you. This is cowardly, he is no fight,"

Oriole was holding himself, curled up on the ground with his head was between his knees. He was crying, which made Joshua laugh loudly. Oriole hated him for this. Josh was acting like a bull-headed moron, and it was sickening him.

"Look at him, he is a coward. Let's just go. He doesn't know what it means to be a man and stand your ground. What kind of vampire is he? This is disgusting," Rayon said now turning away. Roland followed but he never said much. In fact, he seemed distant from what was happening. He was rather quiet and seemed displeased by the other guys' behavior.

Joshua stood there staring at Oriole. He bent down and picked up Oriole's head. Oriole's face was red he was crying so hard.

"Don't think you're off the hook. I'm going to get you when you're alone."

He touched the bite marks that Pear had left. Now Oriole knew exactly why he was so mad; she had marked him. Josh walked away and Oriole stood. Pear held him while he continued crying. Deep down he wished he was like them, warrior guys who would do whatever it took to defend their pride. But he didn't defend his pride, instead he cried and this bothered him. He was also hurt that Josh was behind it all.

He knew male vamps were brutal; he had been beaten many times before by a guy who looked like Joshua Toby. How could Josh like him but want to harm, him he wondered. Why were male vamps so full of ego? Women were lucky, in Orioles mind. At least normal guys didn't want to hit a girl, he thought to himself. Oriole realized that the game was different for him - he was a man and it was looked at as okay for vampire males to brawl. He realized that in a relationship, he could be beaten, and it would be pretty much fair game. He decided he had to protect himself by dating woman. He had to get Joshua away from him. It was clear Josh was jealous about Pear, but his violent response wasn't the reaction Oriole was looking for. Love was not a battle to him and being hit was not ideal. Jealousy wasn't attractive either when it came to vampire men he realized. If Josh wanted him, he would have to relax on the tough guy bit. It was too much for Oriole.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know his crew would come at you so hard," Pear whispered, still holding him.

"It's not your fault. I brought this on myself."

"No you did not. They had no right."

"I'm a man and I should act like one. That is reality, we are vampires."

"No. Men don't beat on someone half their size, okay. You're brave, Oriole."

Oriole didn't believe that for one second. In his mind, he felt he had to start fighting back. There was to be no more running and crying when danger came. He was a vampire and he had better start doing whatever it took to maintain his humility. If not male vampires would never respect him, that could make him a target.

When he got home, Oriole locked all the doors. He knew his parents would be gone, they always were. He was a neglected child and money was how they showed attention. At least they had left a note. It simply said 'business trip, 4 days,' so he knew he would be alone all week. Most vampire parents smothered their children and parented them constantly, worrying for the young ones, but his parents were very different. Even though young vamps needed lots of guidance, they seemed to give nothing but freedom.

Oriole stayed in bed all day crying. He was hurting for many reasons. He sometimes hated who he was as a person. Why wasn't he like the others? Why so pretty and sensitive - where was his testosterone, he wondered. Out of the blue he heard noises. Oriole leapt up and ran down the stairs to see what happened. Josh was sitting on the couch. His hands were folded and his face showed no expression.

"You've got to go. My parents don't want company here."

"I saw their note, four days alone," Josh said.

"Look Josh, you and I aren't a thing. Frankly, I just want you gone."

Within seconds Joshua was in front of him, pulling Oriole towards him.

"I don't like you being pushy with me like this, Josh."

"I'm a male vampire, this is how we are. You should know that, you're not a girl."

"So what? I want a guy who is yielding with me. Just get off me. Are you crazy? And how dare you enter my home like this, without my permission!"

"I go where I want, when I want. As far as me treating you tenderly scrap - that's just not going to happen. Love is retained for girls and we're boys. We make love like animals, and guys like you learn to take that. You should know this!!!" Josh was screaming.

"No. I don't want you. I don't like anything about your aggressive way of doing things," Oriole responded.

"Oh yes you do. You just really don't get me. But I can hear your heart beating and it's not from fear. You want me. You made the mistake, Oriole, when you let that female dog mark you and kiss you in front of me. You've got to be trained."

"Trained? What am I, a dog?"

"Yeah, you are my bitch and I told you that this is how it is, okay. When a guy makes you his, you simply oblige."

"I don't want that sort of relationship and if that's what you're looking for, find another boy. I admit it, you turn me on in some ways, but you also turn me off, Josh.

"I've had plenty of boys and I'm always the guy of the relationship. None were like you, Oriole. You really want to be treated like a vampire girl? Get real. Gay male vamps make girls their wives and treat them like a prize, and then they have a guy like you on the side. Usually guys like you know their place and are happy to comply."

"Then I will be alone, because your coldness, I can't tolerate it." Oriole said, turning away.

"No, you will not be alone when I exist. I could never leave that face alone."

"Yes, I will be alone. Get away from me." Oriole was crying again.

"What is wrong with you? Stop the crying game! No vamp guy is going to adore you; you live in a fantasy world."

"You're attracted to me because I'm different, because I'm like a girl, but you hate it so much at the same time."

"I don't want you thinking you're going to break me; make me start treating you like a schoolgirl," Josh snarled.

"So you think being hard on me will keep the distance you want? You don't want to ever feel affection for me."

"Stop talking to me like that!" Josh burst out. It was like hearing Oriole say those things made his ears bleed. There was emotion, now but it was cold and bitter.

"Look, I told you where I stand and I know where you stand, so good bye Josh," Oriole sighed.

Josh looked surprised and hurt. He backed up, then just lunged forward, pushing Oriole against the wall. He started kissing Oriole roughly and grabbed at him. Oriole tried to reject him and kept pushing him away. Josh seemed frustrated. He held Oriole's hands up and was now face-to-face with him. Oriole was crying softer now. Josh grabbed his face and kissed his cheeks and lips. Oriole could feel his fervor. He could tell that Josh wanted him badly.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you break me. Just give into me my way and you will not regret it," Josh said.

His face was pressed against Oriole's and he seemed solemn. The moment was intense and Oriole had never felt anything like this before. He was feeling adoring feelings for Josh. He didn't understand how the detestation for Josh turned into this zealous fire inside him.

"No, if you can't treat me with kindness and tenderness, then I don't want you." It took a lot of strength for Oriole to keep up the act. In all reality, he wanted Josh so badly in this moment, but he had to stand up for himself.

"You don't want me!!!" Josh screamed. His voice broke and Oriole could tell the rejection was getting to him and he wasn't use to it.

One single tear fell down Josh face and Oriole was surprised. Where did that come from? He watched Josh back away. He didn't want him to leave. He wanted him near - wanted his kisses and affections.

"Well, when you're ready to give into me, let me know," Josh said.

"When you're ready to treat me like I want, you let me know," Oriole replied.

"Then it is a matter of who breaks first, because we want each other, but our wills will not bend," Josh declared.

Josh walked away and Oriole fell to the floor. His feelings were so unclear to him and it just felt like something shattered inside him. He hadn't realized he wanted someone so badly. All the isolation he had endured was slowly killing him inside. Maybe being treated like that would be worth it, rather than having this feeling he felt now in his stomach. Just maybe, but then again, maybe not.

Next chapter preview: It was time to experience something that meant a lot, his hands could not stop shaking. Soon Josh would be there, he would be strong, aggressive and in control.