The Cold Towers

Chapter 3

Hands like ice pressed around the wound on my back, making black spots dance across my field of vision. I could feel Gerard's warm hand in mine, reassuring me I was still conscious. As soon as I was cleaned and bandaged, I slid from the ambulance's bumper and began walking away. The doctors and paramedics were all too busy for me to stay there in their way.

"Whoa there!" As I wobbled under the loss of blood, Gerard lightly gripped my waist and held me steady. I smiled up at him.

"Thank you...I feel like a limp noodle." His chuckle was mellow and sweet to my ears after the grating of metal and scream of sirens.

"There's a bench over there...Let's go sit down for awhile." Nodding my assent, the two of us hobbled over to it and sat down with heavy sighs. Worry filled my heart as I wondered where my mom was. Perhaps she had her phone on her?

Gaining the idea, I searched my pockets for my phone, cursing when I found that it was dead. Gerard pulled his out too, only to find the same blank screen. More tears welled up in my eyes, and I curled over my lap as the sobs broke free. For all I know, my mother could be dead.

I heard the click of a camera before Gerard's warm arms pulled me into his chest. As he spoke, the words vibrated against my cheek. My thoughts were consumed by grief and panic, but not so much that I missed what was said.

"Not now...Go shoot pictures elsewhere!"

"Sorry..." The soft shuffle of feet drew away, and large hands gently rubbed my back where the wound wasn't at. I sighed into Gerard's shoulder, the tears now evaporating as I calmed down. How I wished I could know what had befallen my mom.
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awww...They are so cute.