Status: in going ..

Subject 101 :Wanna test my mind



“ In a far far away land were the people had magic powers and dragons, lived young man who one day got father from his lands in search and deep in the forest ..''
-Daddy daddy tell me the other story!
-My child sleep already ,it is late !
-But daddy pleasssssssssss!
-My darling for thousandths time I've told u that story I will not say it again !
-Pleass daddy pleasss!
-No begging go to sleep now !

Some years later …........

Dad your overreacting !
Alice you are simply not allowed on going out at night !
Dad is not like someone is going to pop out and snatch my hearth out !
You are not allowed ,this time at least !
But dad is my birth day can't I have what I want ?
Let me think about it !
Ok sure..!
I was 100%sure he was letting me go out when it was my birth day arhhh ,if you hadn't guessed by now my life is a total wreck I finally make some friends and my overprotecting dad not let me go out gosh I mis the days when he wasn't so damn strict and full with rules ,you know life isn't as he says and I'll prove it to him some way ,i will sure do ,i have 1 week and 3 days before I turn 19 yuppie ,but tomorrow I have homework darn ,life sucks right now ,i spent almost an hour or two before I heard dad knocking .
Darlingg are you there >?
Yes dad were could I be./? I konw by now my dada will make his discourse
My lovely daughter you know that is dangerous for you going out ,with people you know how they are ,and beside is dangerous at night more specially !
Dad i'm nothing out of ordinary stop for the love of god being so so ,,ohh you know !
Darling your my only reason to live please wait till your older and I'll let you do everything you want but till then s so dangerous !
When he takes me like this I can't stand it i'm not some porcelain doll and I don't wanna be locked in the house till i'm 1800000 year old ,ohh he is so overprotecting ,but still he is my father I just cant ,,upest him ,
Dad.....pleas not everything is so bad in the world !
My love trust me pleas for this time !
Ok dad ,now get out wanna sleep!
Night my darling !
Nightie dad now o away !trust is elementary here though I don't agree some things are indent for my best interest so he says,but I doubt it sometimes ,eh don't blame me I wanna be free ,he indeed has an obsession in me going out ,and if includes night never ever,when I was younger it was easier I use to run in the night like my best friend and being allowed ,but now ,now going in the night is forbidden ,why I have yet to find out but I doubt i'll find something interesting .
in the morning I was a little unrest ,it happens to me lately why I have no clue ,it going to be a bad day at school I'm sure I wish I haven't had to go ,but dad insisted why u guess cause I cant ….. .
As I walked in the school I was unobserved ,weird cause usually I'm harassed by the school bullies ,weird indeed ,after the lunch I got to the rest room and I was in one of the cabinets when I heard the voice of Claire and Vicky my new friends ,i anted to greet them but something stopped me and I heard them
''-Claire remember bring Josh when we meet her ,i feel the need for some fun!'
''-Yeh she will never know what hit her ''
''-Maybe daddy will let her go the spoiled bitch ,she is so full over her head !''
after this my mind couldn't work properly I knew who they were referring to ,cause this lines I knew before with every friendship I ever had the just done it for fun and my dad was right they all hate me ,isn't this lame ,it is believe me the ever ending story of unaccepted girl in high school ,anyway I as raised to always be strong never look weak in front to the enemy so I walked out of the cabinet ,greeted them and walked away when them remind stunned ,inside I was a pile of ash but I have to be strong ,after a few more classes I was home .
-Hi daddy hows was work ?i asked my dad not showing my hurt ,cause I already know his response and I don't need it
-Hi darling it was good and I have a great news !
-Yes !now I was eager to find it out
-Well darling I'm taking u to our old house ! I don't even remember we moved when I was 3
-When daddy ?
-Tonight at 7 we go ,you should pack something !i didn't expect it to be so soon but I was very happy I had enough with this place ,i couldn't care less about school ,as for the packing I took the most important ,laptop phone,i-pod ready for the'' adventure'' to begin ,yeah sure adventure ,,,,,,but you know it is a saying ''change the place change the luck ''or so I hope ….
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well i just sarted this one
hope it show up nice
comments will be gladly welcomed bad or nice
cookies to all