Get Out Alive

It'll be Fun

*Elise's P.O.V*

"Oh come on!" Jayne begged from where she was lying on my bed, I continued to stare out the window absentmindedly, "You cannot be serious?" I questioned, not looking at her.
"I am serious. It'll be fun!" She said lightly, I could hear her walk across my room, her light footsteps on the wood, moving over towards me, I turned around and stared at her, "Oh yes, I'm almost positive that spending a whole week in an old haunted Gaol with no communication with the outside world will just be a riot." I said sarcastically.
She tilted her head to the side, "It's a fundraiser." She said, trying to convince me.
"It's creepy." I mumbled.
She rolled her eyes, "Mary, Olivia and Lee have agreed, you're the only one missing."
"I'll live." I mumbled.
"But what if I won't?! I'll need you to cuddle up with when it gets freezing!" She protested.
I laughed lightly, but she was making it harder to say no every minute. "But you have the others."
She moved closer to me, so that when I took a step back, I was trapped against the wall. " know...I could always convince you.." She mumbled, she was so close I could feel her breath against my face. "And anyways, I want you with me."
I sighed, "And if I said I'd go, what would you do?" I asked.
She grinned, "I'll take that as a yes!" She said excitedly, "And I'd do this.." She mumbled, pressing her lips against mine for a split second, before pulling away again, and grinning mischieviously at me, "This is going to be so fun!" She said, dancing around my room, to imaginary music.
"Oh. Yay. Party." I mumbled.
Had I just seriously agreed to stay a week in the Wicklow Gaol, of all places? My head was messed up.
"So do you want me to help you pack a few bits and pieces, there won't be any TVs or laptops or anything, but I'm sure you'll survive with just the bare necessities, me, and your best friends." She said lightly.
"It kind of sounds good, except for the little detail of where it is..." I mumbled.
"Oh come on! The ghosts won't touch you when I'm there, if they know what's good for them!" She said grinning.
I smiled at her slightly, "I guess you're right..." I mumbled, trying to shake the feeling of unease away from myself.
She grinned, wrapping her arm around my waist, lets get you packed, we're leaving tomorrow."
"It's....down the road." I mumbled, trying not to laugh.
"Yes-" She mumbled, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear, "-But remember, we're there for the whole week, no contact with the outside world."
"Oh.." I mumbled.
She grinned, "Yep."
"Then what the hell are we going to do during the days?" I asked.
She shrugged, "We'll find something.."
"As long as we don't go crazy and start gouging out each others eyes, and chewing on their flesh." I mumbled, half serious, half sarcastic.
She rolled her eyes, "Sometimes I worry about you. We're all friends, why would we do that to each other?"
"Crazy things happen there, still do." I said lightly, walking over to sit on my bed.
She followed me, and sat down beside me, wrapping her arms around me, "Everything will be fine....just make the most of your comfy warm bed tonight, there's no such thing as comfy there." She mumbled.
"Whoo." I mumbled sarcastically.
She laughed lightly, her laughter filling the room, "And this is why I love you." She whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.


"That tickles!" I whispered, between laughs,
Jayne smiled sweetly at me, "That's why I'm doing it."
"Hey!" Mary's voice called from behind us, as she ran down the hill, a holdall slung around her shoulder,
"Hey!" Jayne and I both squealed at the same time, we were all early, the only people we were waiting on where Olivia and Lee, then we were to go into the Gaol, of course, there was a photographer from the local paper standing around at the front door of the jail, waiting awkwardly for us to give an interview, and take photos of us.
"Hi!" Olivia said lightly, coming up from behind the three of us, causing me to be the only that jumped. I'm so going to last in here for a week.
I heard the others laugh at my expression, but the truth was, I was getting more and more uneasy by the minute.
"I'm here!" Lee shouted breathlessly, arriving before us, before he dropped to the ground and took a drink of water out of his holdall, "Never again am I running from the bus stop so fast." He mumbled quietly.
Mary laughed at him, "Nice, so are we all ready for the week of our lives?"
"We are now." A familiar, annoying voice cut in, the five of us turned around to face our enemy, Justin.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Jayne growled, wrapping her arm around my waist more protectively than I could ever remember.
"Oh, you know, I just wanted to hang out with the queers." He spat.
I glared at him, and moved my hand into a fist, getting ready to box him, although Lee had beat me to it.
Justin was now getting off the ground, "Nice to know I'm staying for a week with yous."
"You're what?!" Mary shouted.
"I invited myself, now care to go in?" He asked, sarcasm in his voice.
He walked ahead of us, and Lee was still glaring at him, "I swear, I will kill him before this night ends." He muttered.
"I'd never heard him issue a threat like that before, and clearly neither had Olivia, as her face was so...believable.
We walked up to the door, got our photos taken, were asked where we scared, to which we responded 'Not much' then the photographer left, and we went inside, and closed the doors, we were told not to lock them, but only put the latch on the door, so no one could get in from the outside, and so that we'd be safe enough.
We all dropped our bags down on the ground, and I turned around to put the latch on the door, the way we had been instructed days before, to notice that it was already latched, and there was another chain and lock closing the door also, I turned around confused, "Uh...who locked the door?" I asked.
They all turned to face me, confused expressions on their faces, "That was your job..." Olivia mumbled.
"I thought it was too, but I didn't do it." I mumbled.
We heard a door bang and lock in the distance.
"Oh shit." I mumbled.
I was met by terrified glances from everyone else.
"Come on...there has to be a fire exit somewhere?" Jayne said, trying to remain optimistic.
"I'll go investigate the noise." Justin mumbled, walking off, clearly not bothered, as he disappeared through the door at the end of the entrance hall.
"I'm going to..look around." Lee mumbled, walking off.
"Okay, and we're going to stick together and look for the fire exit." I mumbled.
They all nodded in agreement, as we walked to the place where the fore exit should be, it was was just blocked, and no way able to open.
"Oh shit." I repeated, terrified.
"We're trapped." Olivia whispered.
"Great." Mary hissed.
"At least we have each other?" Jayne mumbled.
"GIRLS!" We heard Lee's voice scream, he seemed, shocked?
We ran to where his voice had come from, seeing his shirt splattered with blood. We all stared at him wide eyed, "Guys...Justin is dead..." He whispered.
"WHAT?!" We shouted, I moved back further from Lee....he had sworn he'd kill him...but would he actually do something like that?
Lee noticed my movement, and his glare locked on my face, "I.Did.Not.Kill.Him." He hissed.
Mary had started to walk into one of the old cells, "Oh my god!" She mumbled, shock, and horror both filled her face, "He's almost been taken apart." She mumbled appalled.
"I need out!" Olivia cried.
Lee was staring up at the ceiling, a distant preoccupied look on his face, and Jayne had grabbed my hand, and I was guessing wasn't going to let me go anytime soon.
"If it wasn't you...there has to be someone else here." Mary mumbled under her breath, but staring at the blood on Lee's shirt at the same time.
At this moment in time, we all doubted him.
♠ ♠ ♠
I came up with this idea, while listening to 'get out alive' by Three Days Grace. It's kind of based on how creepy the Wicklow Gaol actually is..
here's their website:
I'll try update soon, I know what's going to happen...kind of.
Do you think Lee killed Justin?