Magic The Gathering: The Rouge Chronicles

It's Time (P2)


I woke that morning like any other morning. I got out of bed grumbling. I looked over at the corner of the room to see Earendil still sleeping. He was a golden yellow griffin. I quietly got of bed and walked to the bathroom, where I stood and took a good look at myself in the mirror. My brown hair flat on my head, my hazel eyes so very deep in age, skin tan and russet. I washed my face and used the bathroom, then went back too my room to see Earendil awake. He gave me a look and then yawned.
“Morning Earendil, sleep well?” I asked. He replied mentally “Yeah I slept very well, what about you?” His voice was so young and full of life. Earendil was big enough to ride, but he was only 3years old. He’s 3 and I’m 35. I’m a grown man basically taking care of a little kid.
“Hungry?” I asked as I walked to our tiny kitchen. He followed eagerly at the sound of food. I opened the pantry to see what we had. I pulled out some Raccoons and started up the fire pit. I then pulled out some bread and made some buttered toast. While the Raccoons were being cooked I went to the bed room and got dressed. I put on my armor and strung some bottle knomes along my waist. After we were done eating there was a knock on the door. “Rye! Hello are you home?” came the voice of my commanding officer. “Yes, hold on” I called as I got off my couch. Earendil was at my heels. I opened the door. “Yes how may I help you sir?” I asked. He replied “It’s time”. “For my next assignment?” I asked. “Yes” He replied.
“Where am I going?” I asked. “You are to go to the clearing in the city of Relic” He replied. I nodded my head. This was a 3 day journey. I was going to need provisions. “You start as soon as I leave this room” My commander said sternly. I bowed as he left the room. I looked at Earendil. “You ready?” I asked him. He bowed his head and fetched his harness as I packed provisions. After I was done packing I looked to see Earendil had his saddle and harness in his mouth. He gave a chirp as I took them from his mouth and strapped him up. I harnessed our provisions to his saddle. I got on his back and walked to the balcony for take off. I put my goggles over my eyes. Earendil chirped loudly. “Lets Fly” I yelled. Earendil then dived head first off the balcony. We free fell until Earendil spread his wings and we soared up into the clouds. I smiled like it was the first time all over again.
We then soared off into the horizon and on to our adventure.