Magic The Gathering: The Rouge Chronicles

It's Time (P3)


I was catching my breath after a long day of training. I stood up to look at the trees that were now covered in kunai. Perfect accuracy. I then went around gathering them. I am Kira. I’m 16 years old. I belong to the Vixi tribe. Basically I have a human body with foxtail and ears. I stand at about 5’2” and weigh 130lbs. Perfect for a warrior.
I have red hair that hangs down to me neck. My eyes are a deep red with a jet-black pupil. I have a very tan complexion. Today I was wearing tight black pants, a tight red tang top and foot wraps around my feet. My kunai holster strapped to my right leg.
Once done gathering my kunai I started for home. The Vixi tribe is new to the world. We have just recently been discovered. Once I was on the out skirts of town I went for a dead run. I love to run almost as much as fighting. I’m one of the few we have called Fox Warriors. We are an elite force to be reckoned with. I currently hold the highest rank. No one can beat me. I fight till I draw blood. I’ll kill with all I’ve got.
That’s the way of the warrior. Once at the front of my hut my little black baby dragon Krelick came flying out to me. He was about the size of a 1-month-old puppy. “Hey guy you hungry?” I asked him sweetly. He gave off a little growl of agreement. Once inside I went to my room. I picked up my windmill shuriken and strapped it to my back. I then left my room too go feed Krelick. I opened the door to the storage room in the kitchen. I heard mice crawling around and scampering away. Krelick loved the chase. He dashed into the room blowing little flames and you could just smell the cooked meat and hear the crunch of bones as he ate them.
My ears twitched as I heard a knock on the door. Without even thinking about a kunai was already in my hand. I held up to eye level. I walked ever so slowly to the door and opened it very slowly. It was my instructor. “Hello Kira, may I come in?” She asked. I shook my head and lunged for her. I slashed at her and stabbed her in the heart. She fell to the ground and looked at me with eyes pleading. “Why?” She asked. I glared at her. “Your not my instructor.” I replied with a cold tone. “How did you know?” She asked. “My instructor was never polite.” I said viciously. “Good girl” She grinned and then turned into a stump.
Then my real instructor came up to me. “Good to see you on your toes.” She said smugly. “I learned from the best” I replied coldly. She glared at me after that remark. “Anyway I’m here to tell you about your new task” She continued. “What is it?” I asked. “You’ll know when you get there, for now you are to head to the clearing in Relic.” She finished smugly. As she left I bowed “Yes lady Kagora”.
She then turned her head to look at me “Expect everything” She started. I then finished with “Ignore nothing”. “You are a fast learner” She mused. Then headed off. Once out of sight I looked down at Krelick. He looked at me with satisfaction. “Ready buddy?” I asked. He gave me a puff of smoke. ~Blood shall spill soon~ I thought. After I was done packing up extra kunai and my shuriken and I shut the door to my hut. Krelick flew by head. “It’s time.” I said coldly. With that Krelick and I took off into the forest.