Magic The Gathering: The Rouge Chronicles

It's Time (P5)

I walked along the city streets. Actually rode is more like it. I rode on Shikon’s back. Shikon is my pet Gulon. A newer breed to the world of Ravnica. Very rare to see tamed. A Gulon is as big as a dog with the face of a cat. He has very sharp nails, long brown hair and a tail like a fox. Everyone moved out of my path as we walked through the crowds. People stared and pointed. Shikon kept his head high and kept walking. He’s a very smart boy and reads off of my emotions more then anyone’s. Once you have a Gulon you become linked. Shikon will only ever be mine.
“Ariea! Ariea!” someone called my name out. I halted Shikon to a stop and turned around to see who it was that had called my name. My name is Ariea. I’m a dark elf. I’m about 17 years old in human years. I’m about 5’4’’ in height and weight roughly around 125lbs. My hair is chopped short to my neck and it’s black and my eyes are white. My skin is peach almost the normal color of a human and I’m the only one of my kind with that color of skin. I’m a very rare breed myself. My ears do point out unlike that of an elf druid whose ears look like that of a human.
I carry with me 2 swords strapped to my back and daggers clipped in to my mid-thighs. Being a dark elf I’m very light on my feet. I’m good with magic but prefer more hand to hand combat. I’m usually seen wearing black boots with fur inside that go just a little above my knees but yet still good for running. I wear a black cape that shrouds me in the shadows with a hood that can cover up my whole face. I wear little arm gauntlets. They start at my hands and stop just slightly below the elbow. Then I’m wearing a gothic style dress thing. The top starts out like a corset top and slowly turns into a skirt.
I turned to it was Shilla. He worked for the undercover mafia here. Shilla looked and sounded like he was only 5 but he was actually 30. That’s how I got fooled the first time. He acted like he was in danger and I saved him. Little did I know it was a trap to use me. It was time for the act. “What is it Shilla? What’s happening?” I pretended to care. “Come quick, it’s my father again” Shilla acted. He quickly jumped into my arms and I hopped on Shikon, who knew what was going on, and we ran to the meeting place.
We quickly booked it into a dark alley and went through a wall that looked solid to anyone else. Once inside Shilla slid off of Shikon. “Learn to bathe him will ya” Shilla grumbled. “Whatever Shilla, where is he?” I asked attitude in my voice. I was getting too used to this. See the Orzhov act like a religion when in reality it’s more like a mafia. I’m the one they keep hiring to do all there hits. Not something I’m fond of. Makes it hard to be with anyone. I never know who I have to get rid of.
I walked in too see the ghost council. They watched me. I bowed out of respect. “What’s going on?” I asked. “There is talk of rouge vampires and werewolf’s running amuck in the clearing of Relic. We need you to go take care of this. We know your skills will come in handy.” The head of the council finished. “Is that all? What’s the price were talking?” I asked. I knew these were important questions to ask beforehand. In case they tried to jip me. The council laughed. They knew it better be a high price they were stating otherwise I was out.
The only reason they had me working for them was because of a mishap and what I had witnessed during a prayer. They killed during prayer and since I had wondered out of the cathedral and saw this it was either death or agree to work for them. I took working for them but it’s hard. It’s hard going around killing people. Especially since sometimes these people had families. I had to dispose of everyone who is in the house when that happens. Anyway the council had a private meeting and then returned to me.
“Okay we have come to a decision. Yes that is all we ask and we want the heads of both the head vampire and head werewolf. And you shall be paid in $150,000.00 gold.” They finished. Shikon and I bowed and headed out the way we had came. We went home quickly, not stopping for anyone. Once inside I packed a few potions and stuffed them into my tote bag. I made sure to conceal some dark crystals. This was going to be hard. I looked out the window at the sun that was now setting. I looked at Shikon. “It’s time.” I said. Then out onto the city streets we ran.