Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Sixteen.

[Mariah's POV]

Chapter Sixteen -


Dominic was nowhere to be seen. His gorgeous self was not at school today. That was a brilliant bummer because I wanted to boast about my date with Brian. Well, not boast, but inform him about the amazing meal.

School was ordinary, I did not really focus on much of anything. The walk home was silent, and whimsical. That night was a bit difficult, though.
Late that night, I fell asleep and I dream of strange things.

I am in a crowd. We are silent. The dark curtains open. A light appears in the center of the stage. Smoke circulates and a mannequin appears to be on the stage. I stare in awe, and then grow bored.
I was confused of why I was looking at a mannequin. The most important question was, why was I here in the first place?
Then I was somewhere different. I moved from the stage to a blue background. I saw nothing, I was nothing. It was just blue. Then things started to appear. Drawings were growing ontop of the blue. You could hear the sounds of the pencil hitting the paper, however, there was no pencil. When all the nonsense was done, you saw a map. An ordinary ancient map. I didn't have the chance to read what was on the map because it was then black, and I was on stage.
And in the audience weren't people, but mannequins in their seats. Instead of people, there were mannequins. Mannequins! What the hell?

I woke up to see the sun going through my french doors from balcony. I breathed out and stood out of the bed. I closed the curtains and covered the doors. Then, I dragged myself to my laptop.
The laptop was a nize size, and it was a glittery purple. Awesome, I thought when I first saw the new laptop.
I searched a few things on Google, and learned something new. I had found out why I have dreamt of what I've dreamt about.
Slowly, I whispered the words from the computer screen to myself. I wondered, and wished again.


To see a mannequin in your dream, represents an extension of your own self that you are projecting. You may feel that you are not playing an active enough role in some situation. Consider how the mannequin is dressed for clues as to what you may wish to act out, but have not done so.


To see or study a map in your dream, suggests that the path you are currently on will lead to fulfillment of your needs and realization of your goals. It could also indicate that you are set on the path to self knowledge and self discovery. If you have difficulties understanding or reading the map, then it means that you are feeling lost. You are still trying to find yourself and don't know who you are anymore.

"Who you are anymore," I repeated a few times to myself in a low whisper.