Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Seventeen.

[Dominic's POV]

Chapter Seventeen -


Silent. Dark. Empty. Home alone.

I had the advantage of staying home for the day. My parents left earlier this morning to leave for the airport. They were going to pick up Brookelle, and bring her back here.
My parents were originally going to drag me along with them, but I was heavily asleep.
So, for hours I sat at my desk with my journal laying in my lap. My mind was blank, and my fingers ached. I did not know what to write about.

My mind spins and I find nothing. There is nothing for me here. I wait and wait. Nothing. My fingers ache from the agony. My temples began to throb. My eyes close and I then begin to sob. I sob of the old things. Brookelle. She was the only one I had. And now I feel she will betray me. Again.

I wasn't really crying, but it went along with the journal entry. As I was writing this I began to remember the dream I had. The dream with her and I in the fields together. Her hand carrying a dagger.

Does the dagger symbolize something important?, I wonder.

I head downstairs and into my father's office. After several minutes I learned what my dream could have possibly meant. I feel as if I will be stabbed in the back. Or I will be betrayed in the soon future.
Perhaps, I should be careful.

I hear the front door close and I was startled. I walk out of the office and into the kitchen.
"Dom," Brookelle said in her soft voice. She smiled at me and I forced myself to hug her.
"Nice seeing you again, Brookelle," I whispered in her neck.
We broke apart from the hug, and she gushed.
"I miss this farm. Oh, how I missed everything," She said.
"Well, how about we start getting you settled?" My father suggested.
Brookelle nodded and then I took her Dolce & Gabbana suitcase out of her hands.
That day was filled with old memories, not good ones either.

In the middle of my sleep, Brookelle laid in the bed beside me. She took it upon herself to wrap my arms around her.
"Brook," I moaned.
"Dom, just like old times."
I didn't even try to move away, I just closed my eyes and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
- These are written alongside journal entries.
- The journal entries are in intalics.
- Comments are love. (: