Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Twenty.

[Mariah's POV]

Chapter Twenty -


I find myself alone in my house. I find myself walking to the balcony. I find myself staring into the view. I find myself daydreaming. I find myself being amazed by the twinkling stars. I find myself wishing. I find myself.

I thought for a moment as I sat down onto the floor of my balcony.

And then I lose myself again, I wrote into my journal.

I sighed heavily and closed my eyes. The cool breeze ran through my hair. I breathed in the scent. I smelled the breezy freedom.

My eyes shot open when I heard a ringing noise. The phone was being called. I ran downstairs and into kitchen.
I breathlessly answered, "Hello!"
"Mariah, hey." I heard Dominic.
I smiled and replied, "Dominic, you called."
"Of course, why wouldn't I?"
I shook my head, but then realized that he couldn't see me shaking my head.
"Uhh, no," I stuttered.
"So, what was it that you wanted to tell me?"
"Uhmm," I said. I simply forgot the important news I had to tell him.
"Did something happen while I was gone? You and Brian.." Dominic started.
"Oh, right. Well, while you were gone something spectacular happened," I told him.
"Spectacular?" His voice broke.
"We went for a lunch date on Saturday. It was sweet, he was sweet."
I heard Dominic clear his throat.
"It was my first date since I moved here. Well, it was my only first date ever," I informed him.
He questioned, "Ever?"
"Mhmm," I agreed.
"Did - Did you guys, uh, kiss or anything?"
"Oh, we just chatted. We had lunch at Johni's Cafe. It was very extravagant, too. Oh, wow. Just talking about it brings butterflies to my stomach."
"Oh." I heard his voice become lower.
"Dominic, are you okay?" I was worried.
"Yeah, just I have to go."
"Dom!" Brookelle's voice came into our conversation.
"Brook - " Dominic started.
"Come on," I heard Brookelle groan.
"Wait, stop - " Dominic said. I heard a beep. I guess he ended our conversation.

I glumly put the phone onto the kitchen counter and just stared back at the phone. I guess I was waiting for something amazing to happen, but nothing amazing rarely happened to me.
Nothing ever happened to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
- These are written alongside journal entries.
- The journal entries are in intalics.
- Comments are love. (: