Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Three.

[Dominic's POV]

Chapter Three -


My fingers were sore from all the scribbling I had been doing. My art teacher insisted that I start over, again. When I finished, I looked over at the somewhat agreeable art and hoped to God that my teacher approved of my masterpiece. After observing the drawing that I illustrated for about the billionth time, she then had me fix the shading a bit. Finally, the picture was improved, brilliant, and good as new.

Yes, that was in my art class. I am now in lunch enjoying my sandwich. I look up and see that girl. That girl is the same girl from the park. She looks the same except her dress was now yellow and instead of a picnic basket, she had a book. She must eat literature this time of day.
♠ ♠ ♠
- These will be written in journal entries.
- The intalics are the journal entries.
- Comments are love, my dear. (: