Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Thirty-One.

[Dominc's POV]

Chapter Thirty-One -


This wasn't her. She was wild tonight. But it was amazing. This is the first time I've ever witnessed something this beautiful. Her laugh made my heart drop. That smile just made my night. Too bad, she's wasted.

"Dom, have you seen her?" Brookelle laughed.
I watched Mariah and Brian cuddling across the room. She started to kiss him all over.
I rolled my eyes. "Yup."
"Crazy," Brookelle commented.
"Woah, you guys. I - I have to peeee." Mariah stumbled between us.
I wrapped her arm around my neck and helped her to Brian's bedroom.
"Wha - Dominic," She slurred.
I sat down on the bed, she fell next to me.
"Don't leave me, pleeease."
I nodded and started to stroke her right hand. Her words made me stop.
"Lately, I've been loving you."
My heart stopped beating. Mariah couldn't love me.
She sat up and kissed my cheek.
"It's been eating inside of me. But, you know what else?" She finished.
"I gotta puke, just one second. St - Stay here."
I watched her run to the bathroom and nearly fall into the toilet.
"Oh, Mariah," Brookelle mumbled. Brookelle walked behind Mariah and held her hair for her. Mariah sat against the tub when she was finished.
"Thanks," Mariah whispered.
"That's what I'm here for." I watched Brookelle sit beside Mariah and stroke her hair.
I couldn't help, but think about how she loved me. I never thought it could happen. But she won't remember this. Maybe I made this all up. I also couldn't help, but think that she was with Brian. I think? And I'm sort of with Brookelle. And Mariah's completely different than when I first fell for her. Fuck. As Mariah would say, excuse my French.
♠ ♠ ♠
- Journal entries are in intalics.
I think it's getting better, hmm?
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