Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Eight.

[Mariah's POV]

Chapter Eight -


My day had started out lousy. I was clumsy while walking to the school. I nearly dropped my books, and when I went to catch them I just had to run into someone. We both fell to the ground. I fell onto my bottom, and my legs were crossed over each other neatly. The boy was looking down and he rubbing his head. My elbow began to felt sore and then I said my first word that day.

I breathe in and say, "Ouch."
My hand rubs against my elbow and it seems to be scraped up just a tad.
"Are you okay?" I heard the boy ask.
I looked up and he has a pained look in his eyes.
I opened my mouth, but closed it back up. I nodded my head slowly and looked down at my books.
"Sorry, let me help you," The boy said. He took me by the hand and pulled me up back onto my feet again.
I went to say something, but I just shut my mouth politely. My throat closed up, and I was extremely nervous. I was not sure of what to say to this boy. This boy was that boy. That boy from the park. The boy from the hallway. The boy that I just mistakely ran into, literally.
"I wasn't watching where I was going. I'm sorry," I found my words. He smiled sweetly and chuckled lightly. His eyes were hiding behind his bangs, but I could still see his beautiful features.
I suddenly felt sick and wanted to just scream. Either that dish from last night was nearly rotten or this boy had something against me.
"Oh," He replied and kneeled to the grassy floor. I gripped my wrist with the opposite hand. He picked up my books and handed them back into my arms.
"Here you go, sorry," He apologized again.
"It's okay. It was me, really."
He shook his head and then introduced himself.
"I'm Dominic."
"Mariah, Mariah Jones." We shook hands.
"Mariah," He repeated and nodded his head.
"That's a very pretty name, I've never heard it before," He remarked.
"Oddly enough, it means bitter," I informed him.
We both nervously laughed.
"Well, you don't seem bitter at all," He replied.
I smiled and then said, "If you might not know, I'm new here. I was wondering if we could - "
I paused, and he asked, "Be friends?"
"I, well, I guess that is what I'm asking," I stuttered.
"Of course," He said and then we heard the school bell ring.
"I think we might as well get to class. Sorry again, and I'll see you around," I responded and hurried away.

While walking inside the building I felt a big weight lift away. After preparing the books that I needed for my first classes I started down the hallway. I turned one way and then leaned against a wall. I pulled at my jeans and then tugged my yellow cardigan around me tighter. I exhaled loudly and then thought to myself.
How could I be such a fool?
The bell rang again and I gasped.
I ran to my civics class. I was barely breathing once I reached the classroom.
"Miss. Jones, you're late!" The teacher greeted in a harsh tone.
"I apologize, Mr. Spence. I must not be late again."
He looked at me strangely, and observed me up and down. I suddenly felt conscious. I put my hands in my jean pockets and just stood there dumbfounded. Someone snickered in the background.
"You may sit down, Miss. Jones."
I nodded and took my seat.
I clasped my hands together on my desk and sucked my teeth. I was clumsy, nervous, and scared today.
What else must go wrong?, I thought to myself, Good way of thinking positive, Mariah. For God's sake.

The class started, and ended. In other words, I had not payed attention one bit.
♠ ♠ ♠
- These will be written alongside journal entries.
- The journal entries are in intalics.
- Comments are love.