Status: heartbeat.

Only from a distance.

Chapter Nine.

[Dominic's POV]

Chapter Nine -


I met that girl today. Luckily, I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings. If I were watching my way, then we would have never ran into one another. Maybe, it was a blessing in disguise. Her laugh was welcoming and her handshake was warming. She is Mariah. However, she is not bitter.

We sat beside each other at lunch. At first it was silent. However, it wasn't an awkard silence, but a comfortable silence. Then, another boy sat across from Mariah. She smiled and giggled once she saw him sit down.
The boy looked at me and I recognized him. His name was Brian, and most girls adored him. He was dark, mysterious, and carefree. Most of the girls around England loved that. The girls here were mostly just like him. Although, Mariah wasn't like that. She had a strong, British accent just like a true English lad. She was polite, sencere, and innocently adorable. Mariah was unique and not like most girls. That's what I admired most about her.

"Hey, Brian," I spoke.
Brian nodded once and then said, "How are y'all?"
Mariah smiled and replied, "I'm fine. How about you Dominic?"
"Perfectly fine."
Then, we started talking. The three of us were chatting, laughing, and having a good time.
We were so caught up our conversation that we almost didn't realize that it was long after lunch.

"Guys," Mariah interruppted, "It might only seem odd to me, however, we're the only ones left."
I looked around, then Brian noted, "We should go."
We nodded and started our way back to class.

Two hours later, I was walking down the hallway to see Brian and Mariah talking again.
"Hey," Mariah said.
We smiled at each other.
"Well, I have to go. Bye Mariah, see you later, Dominic," Brian said. He quickly walked away and then I looked back to Mariah.
"Do you have a way of getting home?" I asked.
She blushed lightly. "As a matter of fact, I walk my self home."
I took a step back, and then remarked, "Tiresome, I bet."
She nodded.
"Would you like to come with me?"
"You drive?"
"Well," I answered, "Actually I ride."
She looked at me strangely.
"I ride a bus," I confessed.
Mariah giggled and linked arms with me.
"Well, let's hurry ourselves to that ride," She joked.
♠ ♠ ♠
- These are written alongside journal entries.
- The journal entries are in intalics.
- Comments are love. (: