Status: chapter three is written but i just have to type it up and its taking for ever sorry :(

Act of Revenge


One box of black hair dye, blue contacts, and a piercing kit with rings $13.15 at the department store on Betty Drive. Yvonne walked to her new apartment she found, an old rundown apartment that had no owner, no lights, but it had some running water, an old mattress, some tables, chairs and some other things that Yvonne could use but probably didn’t need. It was on the street of A.J. Street.
Yvonne walked into the front door, turned to her left and walked up the steps to the second floor. She sat down in front of an old broken mirror. She started her new look, step one to changing her life, by dying her hair. She took out the book, mixed the pigments with the liquids and put in her hair. While the dye set in her hair for 20 min. she took out the piercing kit and laid out all the rings and alcohol. She looked up and took a long look in the mirror. She took a deep breath "I don’t even care" she said in a quiet voice to herself. She took out the little gun and sterilizing stuff and began the second part to her changing looks. She rubbed the left side of her bottom lip, put the lip ring in the gun, raised it to her lip and pulled the trigger. She paused at the little pain through her lip and took a deep breath and moved on to the next piercing. Her right nostril next, both ears a second piercing, the top of her left and middle of her right ear. Then her phone timer went off and she went to the sink and washed out the hair dye and put in the conditioner and washed that out as well. She was in a little pain but she had accomplished what she wanted to, she looked completely different, and felt a little different too. She knew they might be looking for her in a few days so she knew she had to change, and she was, she was becoming a new person. She changed her clothes, from jeans and a blue tank top to a black jean skirt and a purple ripped shirt over a black beater with her black skater shoes. Her new name she would go by would now be Jessica.
She did her makeup, grabbed $50 and headed down the stairs and out the door to go out and buy new clothes, more ‘goth’ and ‘emo’ style. Then for some lunch, it was about 1:00 pm and she hadn’t eaten for 36 hours, yes it was now June 16th, a day and a half since Lisa died.
'Stupid retard' Yvonne thought on her way down the street, she turned on the corner to the left. 'She just had to go and take Sarah, Ashley, and—*sigh*Brad from me'. As she finished her thought she walked into a Hot Topic store.
There behind the counter stood one guy and one girl. They were snickering but stopped when they saw Yvonne looking right at them. A little embarrassed for staring Yvonne looked quickly away and headed to her right to a clothing rack and started to look through some clearance clothing.
“Hi!” a girl jumped up out of what seemed like nowhere, “are you new? I’ve never seen you around. What are you doing here?” She spoke very fast, but Yvonne just stood there giving the girl a strange look.
“Rachel!” the girl from behind the counter shouted, “Stop doing that! That’s the third person just today, you gona get fired, no more coffee—ah” the boy picked the yelling girl up and swung her around, both laughing. Yvonne rolled her eyes thinking about the day Lisa came into her life and began to wreck everything.
It was a month before school ended. Brad was swinging Yvonne around by her waist teasing her.
“Brad put me down” Yvonne wined
“Why would I do that?” Brad questioned.
“Cause you love me’
“Fine” Brad set Yvonne on the school bench and then leaned in for a kiss, but Yvonne put her pom-poms up in front of her face and Brad got a face full of pom-poms. Yes, at this time Yvonne was a cheer leader, head cheer leader actually, and only a junior that year. “I thought you loved me” Brad complained.
“Well—I said that you loved me” Yvonne giggled, Brad pushed the pom-poms down to Yvonne’s side and kissed her softly.
“Now do you love me?” Brad asked Yvonne as he looked onto her eyes.
“Um…” Yvonne teased Brad, she laughed “Yes, of course” they kissed again
The kiss was broken by the sound of some girl’s voice “Um—excuse me?”
Yvonne looked up “Yeah?”She said in a little sarcastic voice.
“Yeah—um” the girl shot back “I need to know where the cheerleading tryouts are for next year’s team.” She lifted up her pom-poms and shook them a little, tilting her to the left. This was Lisa a few months ago.
“Yeah—yeah I’ll take you there, I got to go anyway” Yvonne stood up “bye baby” she kissed Brad and walked toward the gym to the cheerleading try-out with Lisa following right behind her.
At tryouts Yvonne spoke first. “Okay everyone listen up” everyone there stopped what they were doing; talking, stretching or just goofing off to look at Yvonne. “Thanks” she said one she had all of their attention. “Now here is the breakdown of what’s going on; we are losing four seniors and we have to extra spots from drop outs—so out of the fourteen of you here six of you will have the chance to stay.” She looked at all fourteen girls when she spoke, “now normally the captain of this year’s team chooses who replaces her and her senior teammates, but because I’m only a junior and has a chance of getting kicked off the spot of captain or staying on for next year’s team I will not be choosing which six of you will be staying or which eight of you will not be staying, Coach Catherin will be and now she will run tryouts for you—good luck”
“Well said Yvonne, OKAY NOW STOP MESSING AROUND HERES HOW This IS GOING TO WORK—“ Coach Catherin took over for the next two hours of tryouts and she was looking for a new captain, Yvonne was as coach put it changing and losing her ‘spunk’.
After the two hours of tryouts, coach lowered her numbers to ten girls. She chose her final six that made it onto the squad for the coming year’s team and yes Lisa was one of those six. Coach took a deep breath and knew the next few words she would say would kill Yvonne, “Now I have decided—“ she started looking at Yvonne then away “to change captains” she said it quickly then bit her lip waiting for Yvonne’s response.
“W—w—what?” Yvonne’s mouth flew open a little shocked, but shut it quickly and said calmly”o—okay then, who is it exactly that is replacing me?” she crossed her arm waiting.
Coach took this moment of Yvonne’s calmness and said “Lisa”
Lisa stepped forward jaw dropped open. “Really!” she squealed “O-M-G, o-m-g this is like so cool!”
Yvonne turned away from Lisa and to her two best friends on the team and in the school, Ashley and Sarah. “The newbie—Lisa? This is embarrassing—dam humiliating”
“Oh baby girl” Sarah said sweetly.
“We still love you” Ashley chimed in.
“It’s going to be o—“Sarah started to say, but Yvonne didn’t let her finish.
“No, this will not be okay, if I get kick off as captain I would want some like one of you two to get the spot not her, I will not be stood up by HER!” she paused to take a deep calming breath then straitened up and said “I’ve lost my cheer in cheerleading” she dropped her pom-poms to the ground and walked five steps then ran the rest of the way to the locker room to clean out her locker. No one followed her, no one went after her, they all just left her alone, and this was only the beginning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Note I really don't like cheerleading so it was a little weird wrighting this chapter up till she quit cheerleading.
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