‹ Prequel: The Lying Truth
Status: Active. . .:/



Rebecca’s P.O.V.

When I got home, I gave my little girls a hug, and went upstairs to change. Nina was in the kitchen when I went there. I gave her, her days pay, and she left. I picked up an apple, and took rinsed it in the sink. I walked up the stairs, to log into my laptop, before I went into the girls’ rooms to help them pack for their friend’s house.
10 minutes later I was talking to Johanna, and Bella’s moms in the driveway. I bid them goodbye, and blew my girls kisses, before going up to my bedroom, to work on my interview.

I edited very little, but kept out the parts that they had asked. By the time I’d finished typing it up, I was ready to go out. I cracked my knuckles, neck, and back, as I climbed to my feet.

I went into my closet, and picked up a pair of skinny jeans, shirt, and a DC sweatshirt. I
changed quickly, and ruffled my hair. I looked into the mirror, and stared at my reflection,
wondering what happened to my life. I crossed my eyes, and flipped myself off, before
picking up my purse, and walking out the door, with my phone in hand.

Making sure my brass knuckles were in my purse, I started my car, and started towards the
club. I typed up a message to Nelly, when I stopped at a stop-light. Nelly and I arrived at the
club, at about the same time. I draped my sweatshirt on my purse, as we walked towards
the building.

“I don’t feel like a mom in this.” I said, adjusting my shirt.

“You don’t look like a mom in that.” Nelly said, winking.

I rolled my eyes at her, and slapped her ass, as the security guards let us past.

She let out a little squeal, and shook her butt at me. I put my foot on her ass, and pushed
her, making her stumbled into some dudes back. I laughed when he turned around, and
her eyes got big. She started apologizing, over and over.

“You can make it up to me, by giving me a dance.” He smirked.

When his lip pulled up in a smirk, I saw his nose ring glint in the light, and I was instantly
jealous. She turned, gave me a smile, and politely declined. Nelly made her way back over
to me.

I hugged her tightly, and spun her in a circle. “You’re my new best friend.” I giggled.
“I thought I was already your best friend.” She said, her lips pulling down in a frown.

“Well, you officially fill the top 2 places of my best friends.” I smiled.

“I only have one Myspace.” She blinked.

“Not top friends. Best friends.” I sighed.

She laughed, and rolled her eyes. A rock song came on, and I quickly recognized it as
Avenged Sevenfold’s “Scream”.

“We have these 5 men in the house, with their gorgeous significant other’s.” The DJ called
into the mic.

Some people cheer-including me-but others were clueless as to why they weren’t playing actual club music. I was the first in the crowd to start jumping up and down, banging my
head to the music. Nelly quickly joined, then the actual A7X group, did. Let me tell you. It was
hilarious, to see those guys lift themselves off the ground. The only one I expected that out
of was Matt, and that’s because he played basketball.

The rest of the crowd joined us, but not before the girls saw us, and made there ways over
to us.

“Hey, you wanna join us for a drink?” Leanna asked, directing it mostly towards me, but
included Nelly.

“Sure, gorgeous.” I winked.

“Ooh, I think I’ll be bringing you home tonight.” She giggled.

Jac looked at me curiously, as we followed them towards the bar.

“Hey, you’re Rebecca.” She said, with a smile.

My heart leapt at the knowledge that she might remember me, but then I remembered the

“Yep, she is.” Leanna said, sliding us all a Jell-o shot.

We took it out of the shot glass, and slid them back to the bartender, who I remembered
from nights I’d been here before.


27 shots, a Jager and Coke, and 3 hours later we were all dirty dancing, while the guys
watched from the edge of the dance floor. Even as drunk as I was, I realized, that Michelle
wasn’t here, and I hadn’t seen her at all tonight.

“Remember that one time, when we were all so drunk, that you started making out with
Zacky, and Brian and Matt started making out?!” Leanna giggled.

“Totally, and remember that one time, Brian? When you brought me to the beach, and we
fell asleep on the sand. Then we watched the setting sun.” Brian smiled, and laughed a little, as he closed his eyes.

As drunk as we were, somehow they’d all recognized me, but I couldn’t hope that they would remember this in the morning.

“Alright, you guys are falling asleep, let’s get you home.” Matt sighed, picking up Val. Lacey,
the most sober of all us girls, helped Jimmy with Nelly, while Brian picked me up, and Zacky
threw Jac over his shoulder.

Me and Nelly directed Matt what roads to turn down, and the next thing I remember was
watching Brian get ready for bed. I must have had this stupid smile on my face, while I
watched him undress, like he couldn’t see me, and I was in a bubble of my own little world.

When we woke up the next morning. I was laying on top of Brian, with my arms wrapped around him, and his wrapped around me. My head was resting on his chest, and my hair was laying next to his face. I opened my eyes, and quickly shut them. My head was pounding, and it hurt to look at anything, no matter how dark the black curtains made my room.

I felt his warmth, and I really wanted to believe this was real, but for my sanity, I had to keep
thinking this was a dream. I breathed deeply, and his cologne rushed up my nose, making
me relax. I pulled one of my hands out from under him slowly, and punched myself in the
face, making me wish I hadn’t. My headache got even worse, and I felt like crying.

I was awake, though. . .right? Yeah, They say that you weren’t supposed to feel pain in
dreams. I pried my eye open, bracing myself to take in the sight before me. Brian laid there,
with his eyes wide open as he stared at the ceiling.

“Why didn’t you just tell me?” He asked, sensing I was awake.

“I couldn’t. . .find the words. . .”I trailed off.

“You’ve never had problems with explanations before! Did you even want to tell me?! Would
you have told me, if you hadn’t gotten drunk out of your mind?!” He screamed, sitting up,
causing me to roll off him, to the floor.

“There’s a first for everything. And Yes!! When you were saying how you loved me, do
you think, that wasn’t hard?! Do you think I didn’t want to just throw away my life for the past
4 years, and jump on, and kiss you senseless, to hell with the consequences?! No, I
wouldn’t have told you. Because, you don’t need me. You don’t need me in your life. You
don’t need me, making you miserable, or ruining what you have.”

“I do need you in my life. You gave me what I have. . .and if your gonna make me
miserable. . .it’d be the best kind of miserable anyone could ever feel.”

“Don’t. . .don’t tell me that. I don’t need you lying to me anymore.” I said, standing up, and
backing away.

“I’m not lying, Becca.”

“I distinctly remember hearing those exact words come from your mouth before.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmmm. . .I'm definately not happy with this update, but it's something, right? Lol, so comment, subscribe, rate, read, anything, really. . .<3

<3 Kit Kat