‹ Prequel: The Lying Truth
Status: Active. . .:/


Going away

“Becca, I need you.” He whispered.

“So does this country. I leave in 3 days.”

“What?” He asked, confused.

“I’m being deployed. Funny right? I guess it just wasn’t meant to be.” I said, shakily.

“To. . .to war?”

“No to the next art convention with Michelangelo in Rome. Yes, to war.”

“So that’s why you have BDU’s in your closet.”

“Why were you in my closet?”

“Do you see what you’re wearing? I had to get them from somewhere.” He stated, matter-

“Whatever point is, I’ll be gone before you are, and you have no say in the matter. . .I
have no say in the matter.” I said, shakily.

“What do you mean?”

“I joined the army, you know, right after high school. Served a 4 year term, I got out in
May. . .but they still have the right to bring me back. So here goes nothing.” I shrugged.

“So who all was with you in the Army?”

“Nelly. That’s where I met her. She was the one that got me the job with Kerrang.”

“Yeah, they want us to run a squad.”

“So, this is it? You’re really going to war. Like you talked about in high school.”

“This is the real deal. It’s a lot scarier then they make it out to be in the movies.”

“I didn’t expect it to be fun. And I know you didn’t either.”

“It’s scarier then I thought it was.”

“Take me with you.”

“What?!” I shrieked.

“Take. Me. With. You.” Brian said.

“Are you stupid?! You aren’t trained, and anyways, you aren’t even registered with the
Army! They wouldn’t allow it! No way. I wouldn’t allow it!”

“What would you do. . .if I were to enlist?”

“I would shoot you in the face for not listening to me.”

“Just like that?”

“Just like that. Boom. You’d be dead along with your pretty hair, pretty face, and big ego.”

“Thanks. I know I’m beautiful.” He smiled, stroking his face.

“You fucking egotistical fucking rockstar bastard. . .” I muttered under my breath.

I walked down the stairs to find Matt and Val around each other on the couch, as they
spoke quietly.

“She’s leaving in 3 days, we have to throw her a surprise party, she used to love parties,
I’m sure she hasn’t changed that, I mean you saw her at the club.”

She’s in the room. Maybe you should stop talking about her “Surprise” party.” I said,
as I passed them to get to the kitchen.

“Fuck.” Val cursed.

I grabbed Tylenol to try to get rid of my worsening headache, and grabbed a tall glass of
water to chug down. I stared through the clear glass to my back yard, where Felon was
having fun running in circles. I shook my head, as he snapped at his tail, and started
chasing it around, and around, and around. What a guy. Always chasing some tail.

“We should hang out. Just us and the girls. Leave the guys here to fuck around.”
Jacqueline said, wrapping her arms around my shoulders.

“What do you have in mind?”

“All those girly things. Manicures, Pedicures, Hair touch-ups, bikini waxes, you name it,
we’ll do it.” She shrugged.

“Sounds relaxing. Let’s do it.” I agreed.

“I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

“About what?” I asked, with tears in my eyes.

“About abandoning you. I should’ve been here with you, through that entire 4 years, not
getting married. My best friend wasn’t even there. How can you ever have called me,
you’re best friend? I did everything that best friends are supposed to do together without
you. I hate myself.”

“First of all, you didn’t abandon me, I abandoned you. And don’t jump to conclusions. Do
you really think I would miss your wedding? I was there. As a reporter, of course, but I was
there. You’ve always been my best friend. Whether you were right there, or a million miles
away. Side by side, or miles apart, true friends, are always close at the heart.“

“I didn’t even call you.”

“My fault. I changed my number.”

“Whatever, I’m just worsening my mood, let’s get this girls day started. . .like NOW.” She
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. . .it's short, but it's something, right? :P

<3 Kit Kat