Sleeping Sickness.

Chapter One

Normal. I laugh at normality, probably because I had never experienced normal; Or at least not that I could remember.

My family was normal, to an extent. We had a dad, as well as a mum. I had 5 brothers and 1 sister. It sounds big, but I’d known it for so long, I didn’t really know any different.

You see, 90 years ago, during World War I, I was on my deathbed at the age of 16. My family was poor, even before the war broke out and rationing implemented. My two younger sisters had died of pneumonia already, and there was still not enough food for my mother and I. Father had been killed in combat. A hero, fighting for his country, yet his family got nothing from the country in return. Our house was damp and draughty, and we were often sick. It had gotten to the stage where I almost always had pneumonia. At this point in time, I had a really bad case, and was looking after myself, as my mother worked two jobs at separate munitions factories.

I felt cold and alone. I was scared. My eyes were clamped shut, because of the pain of coughing, and I felt a cold hand grasp my sweating one.

“It’ll be okay. I’m going to save you.” An angelic voice told me. I felt breath on my neck, and it moved down towards my thin rattly chest.

I kept my eyes scrunched shit, not knowing if I was going to die, or live. Or even who was in my house. At that moment, I didn’t care. I just wanted the pain to stop.

I heard the thing take a sharp breath in, and the next thing I remember was a stabbing pain in around my heart. I passed out shortly after that.

I woke up in a bright room, I was still in pain. That was where I met Cecelia, the voice from my room. She explained everything to me, and I was instantly thankful to her. I owed this woman my life.

Cecelia explained that she had turned me into a vampire because I had a kind, good heart, and that was what she looked for in her coven. I learnt that I was the first person she had turned in 50 years. I also learnt that there were 8 other vampires in the coven.

It was a week later when I finally met the rest of the coven. So far I had only met Cecelia. She had been working with me to control my power, which was the fact that I could chose what I could see, and what I could see through. So basically, mentally undressing people is actually possible. She had also been teaching me to control my cravings for blood and what to eat instead. I basically kept my human diet, I just ate rare meat, instead of no meat.

That was how I found myself in my messed up, but fantastic life. I had Cecelia as a mum, Brandon as a father. My sister, Kady, who was short, thin and had black hair covering her face. She was also covered in tattoos. She got a new one whenever we moved. And last but not least, my brothers, Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Bob. We all help each other through everything. They were the best family anyone could want.
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