
Week 6

"Let me guess. You've never had a serious relationship. Because you've never wanted one. Because you've never felt this before."

He was talking to her back as she hesitated with her hand on the door handle.

"I caught you watching me sleep. I bet you've never done that before."

He wanted her to turn around and come down those steps. He racked his brain for more persuasive words.

"I bet every man that's slept next to you has just been that. Another man. But with me...with me you wanted me to stay."

Still, she didn't move. But that was still a positive for him. Because it meant that she hadn't walked through that door yet.

"Ugh Felicia! Don't turn your back on this! You're not alone, baby. You're not. This is scary. But we're in this together."

He watched her hand fall to her side but yet she still stood facing away from him.

"Fall, baby. I'll catch you. Cuz you've saved me already...I owe ya." His voice was quieter.

Finally she turned to face him. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

He watched those tears lose their straight path as they curved her now smiling lips.

"So, this is what it feels like to fall in love?"
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