Surfer Girl


It was a normal day, like any other. Maths was going on boringly like any other maths lesson would. I looked over to the left of the classroom. Gloomy was the first word to pop into my head, as I stared at the dark clouds outside the window. I was surprised, it was term four and summer was meant to be starting. I hated the cold, the dark clouds, and anything gloomy. Summer had always been my favourite season, and I loved to surf. I talked about it so much that it had earned me the nickname Surfer girl, courtesy of Michael McReed, who always seemed to come up with nicknames for everyone. As I looked around the classroom, I saw Michael McReed being an idiot (as usual) with Anthony Holden helping him out. I sighed and rolled my eyes at them, then looked back to the slightly confusing algebra in my text book.

Step into the typical teenage world of Becca Eagle as she tackles school, boys, and living her dream
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